The Cancer Cure With Soursop Fruit

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The bark, leaves and roots of some species are used in folk medicines. Pharmaceutical research has found antifungal, bacteriostatic, antimalarial, and especially cytostatic capability of some chemical constituents of the leaves and bark. A large number of chemical compounds, including flavonoids, alkaloids and acetogenins, have been extracted from the seeds and many other parts of these plants. Flavonoids and alkaloids have shown antibacterial properties, and have been used for treatment of medical conditions, such as skin disease, intestinal worms and inflammation of the eye. Pharmaceutical products are currently in animal and human cell line trials. Acetogenins are thought to have anti HIV and anti cancer effects. A wide variety of products have been developed and are available for cancer treatment.

Efficacy of soursop fruit provides effek anti tumor and cancer is very strong, and medically proven cure all types of cancer. In addition to cure cancer, soursop fruit also acts as anti bacterial, anit mushrooms , effective against many types of parasites / worms, lowering high blood pressure, depression, stress, and normalize the nervous system back to a less well.Treatment can be done by way of chemotherapy is to kill cancer cells that are in our bodies. But you know, it is the fruit that has a function with chemotherapy even 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy, the soursop fruit.Soursop fruit has a slightly larger form, prickly skin soft, white flesh, and can be eaten directly or also in the juice. In brazil this fruit is known as Graviola, in Spain as Guanabana.

If the soursop provide such miraculous cure for cancer, why haven't heard of it before?. The company which had done thorough research on this cure comes upon one stumbling block on its finishing phase. The cure was too natural and under federal law in America, governed by FDA, wasn't patentable. The company then decided not to release its finding since it was definitely the were not able to profit from the result of the research.Luckily, however, there was one scientist from that very same research team whose heart was certainly wasn't filled with all greed. Risking his career, he contacted another company dedicated to harvesting medical plants from the Amazon Rainforest and announced the discovery.

National Cancer Institute in 1976, which focused on soursop's phytochemicals known as annonaceous acetogenins. Also, according to, a study conducted by the Catholic University of South Korea found that soursop was 10,000 times more effective at killing colon cancer cells than chemotherapy. Since then, numerous other studies have been conducted on soursop as a possible cure for cancer, but nothing has been set in stone by the U.S. government. There is some speculation that the soursop fruit is being kept a secret from the public in fear that major drug companies will lose money, states

In a separate study, scientists have proven that a chemical found in the sour sop selectively killed colon cancer cells at 10,000 times the potency of Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapy drug.Conventional healthcare professionals may regard such alternative medicine and claims as unproven and even harmful. Indeed there are some drawbacks in consuming sour sop. It is known to interact poorly with antidepressants, affect blood pressure and destroy good bacteria in the stomach.So it is wise to consume fruit juices, including sour sop juice, in moderation, especially those who are obese and diabetic.

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