Alias and Introductions

Hello visitor! Thank you for taking the time to read this article.

Here I am on my first day of working as the objective voice for BPI Medical Supply and I believe that I must present myself to you. I'm Vivienne Dunlap a home health care nurse working in and around Delaware County, Pennsylvania. For reasons of fact, Vivienne isn't my true identify - it is my departed grandmother's so that must count for a little, correct? At any rate, I won't expose any of my clients' information, privacy, facts, etc while I report on this blog.

BPI Medical Supply assisted me to handle Grandpop Mickey's limitless adjustments and problems that arose with his ostomy bag and supplies. Via emails back and forth, I began to question why BPI Medical Supply did not employ someone similar to me who works in the field to write about which products and services work and what types don't. Including my experiences with working through BPI Medical Supply.

Subsequent to many acts of persuasion, they decided to hire me to compose this blog post. The writings are my personal opinions and my patients' personalities, ailment states and characteristics are a melding of lots of my clients' and do not represent any individual person factual or otherwise.

Since we're introducing ourselves, Grandpop Mickey is my paternal grandfather who is a widower, ex- Army veteran and a survivor of colon cancer. Fast forward to present day, and whereas the cancer is in remission, Grandpop Mickey is absent a piece of his intestine and right now has to make use of an ostomy bag.

His case employee at The Home at first ordered the Coloplast Assura One Piece system for him believing the effortlessness of the clicking lock would be most suited for his needs stemming from his latest diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Plus, because the one-piece system won't incorporate the plastic ring or flange - it will make removal and replacement easier. The locking system may be simply put into position with slight bodily twisting or contortions. I wanted something for him that if his RA was acting up, he would still be able to adjust his ostomy pouch with little to no assistance from the caseworker.

Grandpop Mickey insisted that he was hurting his back as soon as he tried to connect the One-Piece system. I contacted the customer service agent at BPI Medical Supply who listened to my question and suggested a different posture for Grandpop Mickey to be in whilst he locks the mechanism. This was simplicity itself and I wonder why I did not think about it myself. Now and then I grow so wrapped up in his personality that I disregard the simple solutions.

Perhaps they can help me to persuade him that this was a life-saving surgical procedure and that through proper care and management, he can still work, live and yet act in his current state. I will take one step and one triumph at a time.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details


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