Mindset That We Should Have To Heal Cancer

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Frequently, the interaction between cancer and treatment is described as a battle or a war. If we hold with that analogy, then cancer can best be described as a civil war. A cancerous cell acts as if it believes that martial law has been declared in the body. Unfortunately, because of we cling to this confrontational mindset, treating cancer becomes very difficult.

The term cancer can actually be described as a vast number of different conditions, all resulting from the same regular problem: there is a problem with the instructions held within the DNA of a cell.

The natural process of life to make sure that a large portion of our cells are replaced as they wear out. According to many estimates, ninety-nine percent of our cells are different today than they were last year. Many of these cells are simply the replications of previous cells, which are constantly dividing.

This duplication is what allows us to live as long as we do, as damaged and worn out cells are discarded and replaced with healthy cells. When something goes wrong with the dividing process, however, it has the bad effect.

The fact that this problem even exists is actually incredible in its own way, because DNA contain enzymes to repair damaged DNA. These enzymes are constructed to proofread the instructions in cells to avoid the incorrect copying, discard damaged portions and insert correct replacements and generally ensure that the cells do not go haywire.

So, when a cell manages to get around the built in protection enzymes, the cell can quickly become lethal. The damaged portion of the instructions tells the cell to divide endlessly. Every duplicate cell has the same damaged instructions and divides endlessly, which can quickly become a problem, and makes healing cancer harder.

The current mindset of Western medicine is to heal cancer as if it is a foreign invader, coming into the body and wreaking havoc. Because cancer is a part of our body which gone awry, this mindset has very unsuccessful.

Traditional cancer treatments, especially radiation and chemotherapy, are toxic to cancer cells which are like our healthy cells, only haywire and they are also poisonous to our healthy cells. In effect, the traditional treatments for healing cancer count on the fact that they will poison and kill the cancer cells before they poison and kill the rest of the patient.

Treating cancer can only occur by accepting the fact that those cells are a part of us, embracing those cells and looking to heal them, not destroy them. It is impossible to remove cancerous cells without killing healthy cells.

An amazing variety of alternative treatments exist, although it is not likely that you and l hear much about it from your doctor. We need to take the responsibility for our own care and look into the highly-effective, non-toxic, alternative therapies for healing cancer that are available to us.

In conclusion, we should have the correct mindset when dealing with cancer cells. We should always remember that the cancer cells are just the abnormal cells in our body. We have to heal it but not eliminate it.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details


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