Piracetam Nootropil Provides Combined Thinking

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Created in 1964 Piracetam is one of the first cognitive enhancement drugs of its kind. Developed by Dr Corneliu Giurgea, it was hailed the drug that wakes up your brain'. Piracetam is a part of the class of drugs called nootropics or smart drugs. These types of drugs are brain boosters and are able to promote the nervous system thus improving many key functions of the brain such as intelligence, attention and memory.
Piracetam has a positive effect on the brains Corpus Callosum as it is able to connect the two hemispheres therefore combining the creative and the logical sides of the brain together. Enlivening these links allows the user to pull out greater potentials from the brain.Piracetam success stories include its ability to cure alcoholism and alcohol withdrawal. It has been able to improve and reduce deterioration for dementia, Alzheimer's disease and senile involution.
Piracetam has also aided stroke victims by improving their recovery from aphasia (a speech impairment). It has also been able to restore many functions such as EEG, limb use, speech and states of consciousness in those who suffer from severe and recurring cerebral ischaemia (a condition that reduces the flow of blood to the brain).
Piracetam has also been recognised for its ability to increase accuracy and reading understanding in children that are dyslexic. It has improved their memory and verbal learning along with increasing accuracy and speed in their spelling, reading and writing. Piracetam has increased the effectiveness of the anticonvulsant action in many anti-epileptic drugs for both humans and animals and also removing cognitive deficits brought on by anti-epileptic drugs in humans.
Piracetam has also been shown to boost the mental performance in aging individuals who are in general good health but suffer from everyday age related forgetfulness. Piracetam has no addictive or toxic properties and as a result is able to work synergistically with other smart drugs like centrophenoxine, hydergine, DMAE or choline. Therefore making it a very versatile smart drug.
Piracetam Choline combination
What Is Choline? Choline is a chemical that is alike to the B-vitamins and more often than not is lumped in with them. The body is able to make some choline, however it is generally important to get some dietary choline
Choline benefits include serving the many functions in the body such as the structure of cell membranes, the precursor molecule for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and protecting the liver from accumulating fat amongst much more. Research has hinted how choline can be essential for brain development of fetuses and infants but can also help stop memory loss as a result of aging. Choline has even shown to protect the liver from certain forms of damage and reverse damage already occurred. Moreover it can help reduce cholesterol, homocysteine levels and some forms of cancer.
Choline is believed to be essential for allowing nootropics like Piracetam to function properly. Piracetam Choline has a synergistic effect on cognition. Nootropil helps promote the flow of neurotransmitter and choline provides the building blocks to replenish the run down neurotransmitter store. Without choline nootropil can be short, blunt and cause headaches

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