Medical Journals Reports on Dangerous Fosamax Side Effects Linked to the Osteoporosis Drug

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According to the New England Journal of Medicine and the American Dental Association, the osteoporosis drug Fosamax poses severe risks to patients including the potential of developing esophageal cancer as well as osteonecrosis, which is die off of the jaw bones. Reports of the Fosamax side effects were reported in January and could be crippling to the drug's market potential, according to ABC news reports.

The link of the most recent findings to the Fosamax drug from Merck and Co. adds to a lengthy list of Fosamax side effects that have been linked to the drug since its release. Fosamax, which is the generic name for Alendronate, that became available in 2001, is often prescribed to osteoporosis patients as well as postmenopausal women who suffer from bone density loss.

An ABC news report on the drug and the recent studies speculated on the potential upcoming public perception of Fosamax and how the "one-two punch" may affect the company. One ABC News contributor, Dr. Marie Savard, claimed that the die off of the jaw may be just "the tip of the iceberg... the drugs do change bone structure and growth."

Developing Osteonecrosis

According to the National Osteonecrosis Foundation and the Center of Osteonecrosis Research and Education, the condition commonly affects individuals between the ages of 20 and 50 years old, most often affecting individuals in their late 30s. The condition is "death of bone which can occur from the loss of the blood supply or by some other means." The following are potential causes of the condition:

* dislocations

* caisson disease

* sickle cell disease

* post-irradiation

* chemotherapy

* arteial disease

* gaucher's disease

* alcohol

* lipid disturbances

* connective tissue disease

* liver disease

* kidney disease

* lupus

* smoking

* pancreatitis

* blood clotting disorders

* corticosteroids in high dosages

If an individual feels they may be a victim of the condition, there are several steps that can be taken to diagnose osteonecrosis including:

* X-ray

* magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

* bone scan

* computed tomography (CT)

* biopsy

Details of Esophageal Cancer and Fosomax

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) defines esophageal cancer as "a cancer that forms in tissues lining the esophagus, which is the muscular tube through which food passes from the throat to the stomach." It is estimated that in 2008 approximately 16,470 individuals will suffer from a new esophageal cancer diagnosis and approximately 14,280 deaths will result from this cancer, which is a fatality rate of nearly 86 percent.

Esophageal cancer can be treated in a variety of ways including immuno therapy and vaccine therapy as well as chemotherapy and radiation. Additionally, the NCI reported that "when esophageal cancer is found very early, there is a better chance of recovery... and at later stages, esophageal cancer can be treated but rarely can be cured."

Receive Fosamax Assistance

Patients who currently suffer from the severe Fosamax risks can find relief by contacting a medical professional immediately to halt consumption of the drug as well as to locate an experienced medical attorney specializing in pharmaceutical dangers such as that associated with Fosamax.

Locating a pharmaceutical lawyer with knowledge of Fosamax may alleviate the pain endured by a Fosamax victim as well as increase the chances of earning monetary compensation.

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