Juice Detox for Eczema

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Heard of the saying that Mother Nature provides all the answers to our health issues? That may hold some truth to it especially when you think about juice detox. Many have tried juice detox to help combat their diseases by removing toxins. Juices are also a good source of vitamins and antioxidants. A juice detox for eczema can be a wonderful solution if you wish to reduce your dependence on medications and are hoping to heal your skin from the inside.

You can choose to blend a single fruit or more than one fruit. The great thing about juicing is that there is no need to add sugar especially if the fruits that you pick are already naturally sweet. In fact, some people have linked processed sugar to eczema breakouts, especially in children.

Juice detox for eczema can be done at home where you feel most comfortable. It can be carried out as a fast. However, a juice fast should not last for more than a week as the nutrients will not be adequate to sustain you for a longer period of time. If you are not up to a juice fast, you can simply consume a juice drink on a regular basis to aid your body in its cleansing. In this case, your juice drink should preferably be drunk in the morning, as this is the best time to allow your digestive system to clear itself of its toxic waste.

This is a recipe that I like to share on juice detox for eczema:

2 small green apples
1 starfruit
1/4 dragon fruit
1-2 celery sticks

For this juice detox recipe, avoid peeling off the skin of the green apples because most of the nutrients of apples are located on its skin. Apples are great sources of antioxidants and vitamins K and C. Recent studies also show that certain types of apples may contain UV-B protection that can protect your skin from the sun.

Similar to green apples, starfruits are also rich in fiber and Vitamin C. Celery also contains good amounts of vitamin C that can also help in cancer prevention while dragon fruits are low in calories and high in antioxidants.

I was given the above recipe by a practitioner friend who has found it beneficial for her clients. For some variation, you can also add great leafy vegetables like spinach and kale for the phytochemicals that they offer.

There are also several books that you can turn to for great juice detox recipes. Try a different every other day and bookmark those that you like.

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