Is Green Tea the Miracle Drink Claimed?

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It is quite likely that no other drink is claimed to be as good for you as Green Tea. It is said that the Chinese have been aware of the health benefits for over 4000 years and used Green Tea to cure or relieve a wide range of ailments including headaches and depression.

In modern times and especially over the last 20 years or so a considerable amount of research has concentrated on examining the health claims of the Tea in Asia and across the western world.

Green Tea has large quantities of catechin polypheno l s, especially epigallocatechin gallate whose abbreviation is EGCG. EGCG is an anti-oxidant of considerable power. EGCG is said to not only inhibit the growth of some cancer cells but actually kills cancer cells whilst leaving healthy tissue untouched. It has also proved to be an effective reducer of LDL cholesterol levels. EGCG also inhibits the abnormal formation of blood clots which is a leading cause of strokes and heart attacks.

Many modern dieticians recommend Green Tea as part of weight loss programme. Studies by the university of Geneva in Switzerland showed that men given Green Tea extract and caffeine burned more calories than those given caffeine alone or a placebo.

So what sets Green Tea apart from oolong and Black teas, after - all they come from the same plant, Camellia s inesis? Well , it is down to the way that the tea is processed. Black and Oolong tea leaves are fermented, this results in the EGCG being converted into other compounds whereas Green tea leaves are not fermented and this means the EGCG is not oxidised.

Drinking Green Tea helps avoid insomnia, this is due to the very low caffeine content . The caffeine content of White teas (produced in the same way as green teas but picked when the the leaf buds are very young and downy white) are significantly lower than levels contained in standard green teas. Green teas have around one seventh of the caffeine content of instant coffee and around one fourteenth of that of ground coffee.

Research indicated that Green Tea is especially effective at combating the natural effects of aging. This is due to the high concentration of flavanols, a group of antioxidant polphenols, of which tea is noted to contain more than any other plant. Green Tea is particularly rich in bioactive catechins which are very effective at combating free radicals which are the cause of cell oxidation within the body.

Green Tea's effect upon free radicals has suggested another notable benefit - its ability to reduce the risk of breast cancer. This is in addition to the general anti-cancer benefits of tea in lessening the risk of such cancers in the lung, colon and skin.

One benefit of Green Tea that is becoming increasingly appreciated is its ability to strengthen the body's general immune system with the polyphenols present within its antioxidants over one hundred times more powerful than vitamins C or E.

Furthermore, there are many different types of Green Tea from China, Japan and even Darjeeling that are increasingly popular for their wonderful and diverse character in the cup - beautiful teas that are produced in traditional ways. With all these benefits now becoming more evident it is clear that Green Tea is indeed a small and inexpensive miracle that is available to all!

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Dominate the Eyelash Craze: RevitaLash Your Look

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Long, thick and beautiful eye lashes have always been a desirable trait, hypnotizing men and women alike with just the right amount of sexy batting. When women who exude exotic beauty and seductiveness with their lavishing lashes gain the attention of our nation, a desirable trait and growing craze becomes the latest eyelash revolution. From Lady GaGa and Kim Kardashian to Rihanna, Drew Barrymore, and Angelina Jolie, the latest eyelash craze is producing beautiful eyelashes that captivate and stun even the strongest of souls.

There are tons of eyelash extensions, false eyelashes, and mascaras hitting the internet that make stunning promises of maximum volume and length abound. Here are some helpful tips and cautious warnings regarding your passionate pursuit of irresistible eyelashes.

Apart from being fake, eyelash extensions can average up to 0 for just one set. That is a pretty hefty price for something that ultimately damages your eyelashes. As the extensions drop off and grow out over the coming weeks, they will take some of your real lashes with it, leaving you with beautifully nubby lashes.

False eyelashes, while affordable, look too much like, well, false eyelashes. If you have wide eye lids, you may have to use more than one set to make it across your lashes. And even then you will have a noticeable seam in the middle of your eye lid. You can use individual, false eyelashes, but most people tend to shy away from the work involved in placing every false lash individually. Unless fake' is your thing, you may want to pursue an alternative solution.

Mascara can make your eyes really stand out, but there are many aspects to mascara you need to keep in mind. Mascara also clumps, runs, and blots in and around your eyes at a moment's notice. If your mascara is not waterproof, forgetaboutit!

Everyone's goal is to have long, sexy lashes without the dire consequences of extensions, false lashes or running mascaras. If you are looking for an affordable option without the downside, look no further! There is one innovative product that has hit the market that combines the best qualities of all three into one breath-taking result.

RevitaLash is an amazing product that dramatically revitalizes your eyelashes (and eyebrows) in only 5 to 8 weeks. With its conditioning formula, RevitaLash enhances the appearance of length, thickness, and fullness.

RevitaLash was developed by an ophthalmologist for his wife, a 5-time breast cancer survivor who lost her once beautiful eyelashes and eyebrows after extensive chemotherapy treatment. A portion of all proceeds go to Breast Cancer Research and initiatives.

If eyes are the windows into our souls, eyelashes are the window dressing. Give your lashes the love they deserve and discover RevitaLash. Advanced technology and traditional wisdom has allowed eye lash and skin care products to evolve to new levels of beauty, productivity and customization. You can find the brands and anti-aging products mentioned above at, where professional grade anti-aging skin care products are available to all consumers via the Internet. iDerma's goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to select the items that fit your skin's needs. The future of beautiful skin is here.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Impact of Marijuana Addiction on Primary Parts of Human Body

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The Human body is a complex system of which each primary part has a unique and important role. However, the harmful chemicals that enter the human body due to abusing marijuana, change the regular patterns of its working and create a conflict in its organized system. Some effects due to this may show up immediately while some effects stay back permanently or for a long time and damage the crucial parts of the body.

Marijuana smoke has THC that passes through the lungs into the bloodstream and is carried to the brain and other organs of the human body. The immediate effects of marijuana abuse include dry mouth, rapid heart beat, loss of coordination, poor sense of balance, and slower reaction time along with intoxication. The reflections of THC intoxication among different primary body parts of the human body are as follows:

Impact of Marijuana on mind: Brain is a complex organ of the human body. When the chemicals of marijuana enter the brain, they change the way it functions. Researches have proved that marijuana abuse causes distorted perceptions, impaired coordination, difficulty in absorbing and retaining information. Finally, the intellectual level of user will be significantly reduced and might be permanent.

Impact on eyes: The abuse of marijuana causes blood vessels in eyes to expand. This results in red and bloodshot eyes. Marijuana abuse will also cause decreased intraocular pressure of eyes.

Impact on mouth: Since it is the mouth that is mainly used in consumption of marijuana, the consumption obviously impacts it. Primarily the abuser might feel thirst because of the dryness of the mouth. In the long run, THC interferes transfer of calcium throughout the body resulting in harmful impact on teeth. Studies have found that marijuana smoking results in gum disease. Marijuana abuse is also likely to cause mouth cancer because of its higher concentration of ingredients which possibly cause cancer.

Skin: Healthy skin is the symbol of healthy body. If an individual has any problem internally, then the skin reflects on it. It is said that marijuana smoking causes wrinkles on the skin making the person look older or aged. It may also cause skin cancer.

Heart: Smoking marijuana is found to increase heart rate by 20 to 100 percent or 20 to 50 beats per minute. The increased heart rate might result in heart attack. This puts the aged people with heart complications at higher risk of heart attacks due to marijuana abuse.

Lungs: Marijuana smoke contains carcinogens that can be irritant to the lungs. Several studies have revealed that marijuana smoke contains 50-70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons compared to the smoke of tobacco. Some studies even reported that Marijuana abuse causes dysregulated growth of epithelial cells on the lung tissue, which may result in cancer. Marijuana abuse causes respiratory problems such as daily cough and phlegm production, frequent chest illnesses, and lung infections.

Thus, marijuana abuse and addiction affects the user mentally and physically. The immune system and hormones of the body are also affected due to marijuana abuse making the abuser prone to many diseases.

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3 Quick Tips to Relieve Coccyx Pain

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The coccyx is usually referred to as the tailbone because of its location, appearance and functions. Sometimes, because of accidents or simple everyday activities that puts unnecessary pressure and friction to our tailbone, they may become bruised or damaged. Oftentimes, they may hurt for no reason at all. There are some cases where in trauma, dislocations, fractures and malignancies are the notable cause of the said condition. The gravity of pain makes the patient uncomfortable to deal with everyday life. Having coccyx pain is even more frustrating because the pain is magnified when sitting down due to the pressure placed on your tailbone. Sometimes the pain is so severe even lying down becomes a problem. But don't be disappointed as you are not alone, coccyx pain can be treated and cured in majority of the cases and if you want to know the ways to cure this pain this article might help you.

Coccyx pain can be experienced for a number of reasons. You can get tailbone pain due to some injury to your lower back. Usual causes are falling down the stairs, bending your body at some inappropriate manner or lifting some heavy object. It is also common for people engaging in sports activities such as rowing, biking, taekwondo and soccer wherein the tailbone is subject to repetitive stress. Coccyx pain is also known to affect more females than males. This is mainly because the pelvis of women is wider and therefore leaving the tailbone more exposed. Coccyx is mostly experienced when giving birth. Oftentimes they only get light bruising because of the baby's head sliding past the tailbone as it moves through the birth canal. This bruising usually goes away on its own. But in worse cases the coccyx may be fractured and the best way to deal with coccyx pain in this situation is to immediately consult a doctor.

Fortunately, majority of the cases of tailbone pain can be cured by simple precautionary measures and exercises and mostly it goes away by itself after sometime. In case it becomes worse or doesn't go away here are some of the tips to relieve the coccyx pain:

When dealing with coccyx pain, it is advisable to avoid sitting for long periods as this can aggravate the coccyx pain because of the pressure that falls on the tailbone. And, whenever you sit, try to lean forward so that most of the pressure isn't on the back. Use coccyx cushions whenever possible as they provide support to your back and ease the coccyx pain. These pillows are usually designed with a hole wherein you can position your tailbone while sitting. This will prevent pressure on your coccyx and thus keep from aggravating your coccyx pain. Two of the most common types of coccyx cushion are the doughnut and wedge types.

You can also apply ice to the tailbone several times a day for 10-15 minutes each time. Heat and cold therapies are known to be very effective for pains. In case of a mild tailbone pains you should apply the cold compresses, whereas in case of chronic pain heat therapy should be used.

Take a pain reliever such as Ibuprofen to help ease the pain. This is probably the most convenient way to reduce the discomfort brought by this condition. However, as in any other drugs, this should be taken in moderation.

By following the above mentioned tips and bringing small changes to your lifestyle specially being careful about your body posture and using the coccyx cushions as much as possible you can relieve your coccyx pain, but if the pain persist it is strongly advised to see a specialist.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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The Answer to Cancer - 5 Must Have Foods That Can Stop Cancer in It's Tracks.

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Dr. Oz says, "Every one of us has cancer growing in us right now." It's called, cancer without disease, and we have the power to prevent it from becoming deadly.

Did you know that a microscopic tumor can grow up to 16,000 times its original size in as little as 2 weeks?

Cancer cells are fed by new blood vessels that are formed by a process called: "Angiogenesis." Angiogenesis is a highly delicate balancing act. Cancer cells throw this balancing act out of whack by releasing chemicals that cause too many new blood vessels to develop. These excess blood vessels not only feed our healthy cells, but also those ravenously hungry, rogue cancer cells. The more fuel they receive, the more these microscopic malignancies grow and divide. That's how the smallest cancer cells that live in all of us can morph quietly into life threatening tumors.

William W. Li, MD President, The Angiogenesis Foundation, Cambridge, Massachusetts states, "More than 70 major diseases affecting more than a billion people worldwide share abnormal angiogenesis as their common denominator. In particular, angiogenesis is a hallmark of every type of cancer. "It's about you and what you choose to eat," says Dr. Li. Over 100 foods contain inhibitors that prevent angiogenesis, but not all of these foods are created equal. Some are more potent than others.

5 Foods that can Prevent Cancer from growing inside you.

1. Bok Choy This type of Chinese cabbage contains brassinin; a powerful cancer-fighter, also found in broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Bok Choy should be eaten 3 times a week, in 1/2 cup servings to obtain its full benefits.

2. Cooked Tomatoes have more cancer-fighting properties than raw tomatoes. Both contain the molecule lycopene, (which is an anti-angiogenesis compound) but heating the tomato and adding olive oil changes its chemical structure and makes the benefits more readily available to your body. You should eat 2-3 (1/2 cup) servings of cooked tomatoes a week. In studies, men eating 2 to 3 servings of cooked tomatoes a week had a 50% reduction in the risk of developing prostate cancer.

3. Flounder This fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and low in mercury. Three 6-ounce servings a week is ideal.

4. Strawberries The antioxidants in this berry help fight cancers. You should eat 1 cup a day, including the juice.

5. Artichokes contain 3 different cancer-fighting molecules. Enjoy
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Preventing Ovarian Cancer When It Runs In Your Family

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It has been proven that a family history of ovarian cancer greatly increases your risk of also contracting the disease. Although it is as of yet uncertain if there is a genetic link to the disease or if it is merely a genetic predisposition to developing the disease which is passed down and then might be triggered by living choices, external influences, or other such events, paying attention to your family history and its illnesses is crucial.

The first course of action when finding out that such a history exists in your family should be a full physical and also complete gynecological exam to rule out any cancer in your body. Assuming that you are healthy, it is now time to find out how to go about preventing ovarian cancer when it runs in your family. Usually the initial step suggested by your physician will be a genetic test that can give you clues as to your cancer risk with respect to gene mutations you may have inherited.

If you are found to have a genetic predisposition for developing ovarian cancer, preventative measures depend on the number of occurrences in your family. If your risk is considered to be low, then most likely your doctor will prescribe oral contraceptives as a prevention tool. Even if you do not need contraception, these pills will provide the hormonal balancing required and might be preventing ovarian cancer from having an increased likelihood of occurring. Unfortunately, depending on your lifestyle and also your risk factors with respect to breast cancer, there is a chance that the use of oral contraceptives may increase your risk of strokes, heart disease, and also breast cancer development.

Patients who might be at high risk because of their family histories will be counseled to undergo a complete removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes, effectively rendering them sterile. Usually this advice is only given to women who are done having children or who are past the childbearing years, yet in some cases it may be necessary to do so sooner, especially if a family history reveals that ovarian cancer is frequently diagnosed before menopause. Although this is considered a very drastic measure, it is nonetheless a viable method of avoiding the formation of ovarian cancer. Unfortunately, it is not an iron clad guarantee of completely avoiding cancer and there is a chance that other abdominal cancers will still develop. On the upside, women who do undergo the preventive surgery not only lessen their risks of developing ovarian cancer, but they are also greatly reducing their risks of developing breast cancer.

There are no easy answers when it comes to preventing ovarian cancer when it runs in your family and the final decision of course is yours to make. Make sure you know all the fact, understand all the figures, and take some time to think through each of the potential steps of the preventive treatment. Radical surgery might mean giving up a lot, but on the other end it also might mean staying alive whereas otherwise your life might be significantly cut short.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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More on Cystic Fibrosis - Pt 4

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More on Cystic Fibrosis

Part 4

Cystic fibrosis also affects the digestive system. In a healthy person, the pancreas produces chemicals (enzymes) which pass into the gut as food leaves the stomach. These enzymes break down the fat. If you have cystic fibrosis, the pancreas does not produce enzymes. Without these enzymes, the fat in food is not properly digested and it is difficult to gain weight. The feces contain an excess of fat and are oily and very smelly (BUPA, 2006). The presentation of unusual feces along with ongoing chest symptoms and failure to thrive in children are the three main factors which physicians will observe for when considering a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis.

The exocrine pancreas is the most profoundly affected gastrointestinal organ in cases of cystic fibrosis. Approximately 85-90% of cystic fibrosis patients suffer from pancreatic insufficiency from birth (Davis et al, 1996). Untreated pancreatic insufficiency can reduce fat absorption to as low as 40-50% and protein absorption is also impaired (Gow et al, 1981). The primary objective in the cystic fibrosis patient is to maintain normal growth into adulthood with the use of pancreatic replacement therapy and other nutritional support. Enzyme preparations are usually taken in capsule form and are available as a powder for young children. The drug is taken with every meal or snack to ensure that the fat and protein absorption is optimized.

Genetic Involvement
Cystic fibrosis is a genetically inherited disease caused by a faulty gene called the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator - or CFTR gene. In order to inherit the disease a faulty gene must be passed from both the father and the mother. In cases where only one faulty gene is passed the individual will then be a carrier' and not have acquired the disease themselves.
When both parents are carriers, with each pregnancy there is a:

1 in 4 chance of having a child with cystic fibrosis
1 in 2 chance of having a child who is a carrier
1 in 4 chance of having an unaffected child

There are several different types of genetic mutation which are associated with different degrees of severity of the disease (BUPA, 2006).

Due to advances in medical science cystic fibrosis can be diagnosed whilst the baby is still in the uterus. The use of chorionic villus sampling (CVS) allows for the detection of the disease before the baby is even born. In cases where both parents are known carriers awareness of whether the unborn infant has the disease is often desirable. The finding of two mutations of the disease confirms that it is present however the finding of only one does not ultimately exclude it. Siblings of a cystic fibrosis patient are at equal risk of having the disease, and often is the case that following diagnosis of one child, parents request that all children be screened, this is usually offered as a standard service to most families anyway.

Research into Cystic Fibrosis
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation established a Research Development Program Center for research in cystic fibrosis with a five-year, million grant in 1997. It was renewed in 2002 and 2007. The primary goal of the Center is to focus the attention of new and established investigators on multidisciplinary approaches designed to improve the understanding and treatment of cystic fibrosis.

The Center's research efforts focus on several areas relevant to the understanding and treatment of cystic fibrosis: basic studies of the function, protein interactions, trafficking and processing of the cystic fibrosis gene product, CFTR; understanding the infection-inflammation issues that compromise the function of CF airways; the development of new therapies and diagnostic approaches for treating cystic fibrosis, and participation of Center investigators in clinical studies.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Constipation, Emotional Trauma and Colon Cancer

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If you didn't know colon cancer is the second highest cause of death in the U.S. In 1999, of all the cancer deaths, 16% of them were colon cancer. But where did the other cancers originate - lung, prostate, breast, lymph, pancreatic, stomach? Did they also start in the colon where the colon toxin simply migrated to these regions?

Many colon cancers develop slowly over time and can be attributed to constipation. And, constipation can be related, in most cases, to past emotional trauma or experiences. Constipation that occurs over a long period of time creates toxins that continually migrate into your blood and into your body cells and tissues.

It is difficult to trace where cancers starts from. Professional medics, when treating a patient, aren't really concerned with where the cancer or illness originate. They show more interest in how to treat the disease or the symptoms with drugs or surgery.

Many doctors do not go looking for the cause of your problem. They do not have the time for this research. In fact, they normally will not tell you what you need to do to prevent your illness. Sometimes the reason they will not disclose to you is they just do not know.

Its becoming more a nutritionist's or naturopathic doctor's job to tell you what foods and supplements you need to consume to prevent and to overcome specific illnesses and what to consume to eliminate or stop constipation.

What is the reason for so many people dyingof heart diseases, blood diseases, cancers, autoimmune diseases and the list goes on. It has been know for a longtime why diseases occur and what you can do to prevent it?

These disease are a result of how and what we eat, the type of water we drink, and the air pollution we breathe. But perhaps one of the most important causes of diseases that are seldom discussed comes from the thoughts we think.

A behavior that is harmful to others or ourselves in ways that affects our health and life. .

The answer is simple, but many people aren't willing to accept this idea. All illness originates from repressed traumatic memories resulting from early life trauma.

Dr Arthur Janov explains this clearly in his book, 1996, Why You Get Sick How You Get Well.

"Over the thirty years I have learned a great deal about humans and what drives them. As trite as it may seem, what I have found is a single yet complex emotion called love. Not the romantic love of novels, but a fundamental love - the love of a parent for a child. When a child lacks love and nurturing, no matter how that lack is manifest, it creates pain, and if this pain is not "felt" or integrated into the system, it will in turn cause physical and emotional illness in later life."

Changing ones thoughts, behavior, and life style is difficult to do and requires psychological help. Not a lot of people will do this unless they are force to by life situations. Unfortunately, this is what is necessary to reduce or eliminate illness. This is what is necessary to bring on a feeling of well-being way into your old age - at 80, at 90, at 100, and well beyond that.

How many people are willing to devote the time and money to start eating the right foods and change their behavior and lifestyle? This is the first step in reducing or eliminating constipation or any other illness and for dealing with past emotional trauma.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Rock Stars, Music Icons, Alcohol, and Drug Overdose

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There is a saying that rock and roll stars live on the edge and drive in the fast lane. Jimi Hendrix, Elvis Presley, Kurt Cobain of Nirvana, and Michael Hutchence of INXS did just that. They were music icons who lived on the edge. Sad to say, their fame and fortune also led to their untimely deaths. What's more alarming is these stars die a few years after achieving fame. News of rock stars and other music icons dying young is alarming, because their deaths are associated with substance overdose.

A recent study conducted in Liverpool John Moores University showed that 1,050 American and European artists or so-called icons died earlier than average people. Of the 100 stars that died from 1956 to 2005, majority of these American music icons died at the age of 42 on average, while those from Europe passed away at 35 years of age. The reason? Unhealthy lifestyle, improper diet, drug addiction, and alcohol and substance abuse. In addition, part of the dilemma is living with the stress and anxiety associated with fame.

According to the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, drug and alcohol are the primary causes of many deaths of music stars, which accounted for one in every four deaths. Alcohol damages the body in many ways. It can affect the brain and can lead to poor coordination, faulty judgment, slowed reflexes, distorted vision, memory lapses, and blackouts. Alcohol can damage many organs in the body. It is absorbed directly in the bloodstream and raises the risk of acquiring life-threatening ailments like cancer. Extremely high doses of alcohol can even cause alcohol poisoning, coma, or even death.

It is a fact that many celebrities and music personalities are involved in the repeated and excessive use of drugs and substances. High doses of many illegal drugs can cause immediate life-threatening problems like heart attack, respiratory failure, and coma. The combination of drugs and alcohol are extremely dangerous. In addition, some drugs can have dangerous interactions with alcohol. The human body can only handle so many toxins at once, this is the reason why illegal drugs should not be taken with alcohol. There are times that drug can chemically interact with alcohol, when taken with alcohol it disperses faster in the bloodstream and take effect faster. These are the reasons why alcohol and drug overdose is one of the leading cause of death among music icons and many individuals.

The number of rock stars who died and are dying at a young age is cause of alarm for society because many artists are influential among children and young people. They want to be like themthe rock gods. The young people hero-worship them. They buy their albums, watch their concerts, and even try to dress like them. A lot young people want to be like rock stars. They want fame, money, and other expensive stuff. Young people of today want to be rock stars more than anything else. They want to sing loud songs, strum the guitars to produce loud music, and beat the drums real hard. The young people want to experience the euphoria that these rock icons claim they feel whenever they're on stage. Sad to say, all the fame, fortune, and money were not able to change the fact that many rock stars and music icons died early.

Jimi Hendrix, Elvis Presley, Kurt Cobain, and Michael Hutchence What went wrong? Were they overwhelmed by fame that they lost control of reality and turned to drugs and other banned substances? It is clear that these rock stars were not happy at all. Death in some ways make people more interesting and famous than they were still alive. However, dead rock stars are reminders of the pain and depression that may take place as side effects of fame.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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The Side Effects Of Splenda

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For many years people have been told that artificial sweeteners such as aspartame are dangerous and have adverse health effects. But when Splenda, a sucralose based sweetener hit the market in 1999 consumers were offered an alternative to aspartame. With Splenda side effects resulting from chemically created artificial sweeteners became a thing of the past.

Because sucralose is said to be made from regular sugar, consumers felt that they were being offered a safe alternative to aspartame. A product made from natural sugar could not possibly be harmful. However, recent studies have shown that sucralose is not as safe as we think.

Sucralose is a chemical product. The safest and healthiest foods and food products that you can put in your body are always going to be natural, from the Earth. Natural sugar, calories and all, is better for you that sucralose.

Sucralose is a chlorocarbon, a chlorinated compound. Chlorine is not harmful in small amounts when combined with other elements that you ingest naturally. However, researchers found that one quarter of the chemicals found in sucralose are absorbed into the body through the digestive system. This means that there is no way of knowing exactly how much chlorine is being introduced to your bloodstream when you consume sucralose.

There have been no long term studies regarding the effects of consuming sucralose over an extended amount of time. The tests that have been administered by sucralose manufacturers in the past are not considered to be all that reliable because of the short term length of the studies and because there has not really been a controlled study involving humans. However, tests that have been administered recently by independent researchers indicate that because of the chemicals and chlorocarbons contained in sucralose, the potential for toxicity and poisoning are real.

The chemicals in sucralose have been shown to cause side effects in humans. Mild afflictions include weight gain, trouble sleeping, and sexual dysfunction. Researchers have also discovered a correlation between sucralose consumption and an increased risk of cancer and Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, diabetes, and other serious health disorders. While there is not concrete proof that consuming sucralose can cause a person to develop something like cancer, there is a risk.

The bottom line is that when you ingest chemicals by consuming chemical sweeteners or other chemically processed foods, you run the risk of exposing your body to dangerous toxins that can make you ill. Again, the best foods that you can put into your body are natural foods that come from the Earth. Of course, living in a society where people are bombarded by ads for food products claiming to be better for you or lower in calories and fat because they have been processed makes it difficult to determine which foods are actually good for you and which foods will, in the long run, cause you more harm than good.

The best thing you can do is to use common sense when selecting what you are going to put into your body. While it seems like a good idea to have sweet treats without the added calories, products like sucralose can still be a danger.

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Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Essential Oils and Cancer: A Review of Published Scientific Studies

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More Folks Turning to Natural Medicines than Ever Before
The medical uses of essential oils are being validated almost daily by scientific investigators around the world, and one of the most important arenas is in anticancer research. The practical medical use of essential oils and aromatherapy is gaining a foothold in the US, as the population turns to natural medicine -- seeing that the conventional medical system is in such a quandary. Many people are loosing faith in technology for much of the healing it originally promised. While highly effective at trauma medicine, in the realm of infectious diseases, degenerative illnesses, and cancer, modern medicine is turning out to have costs that far and away outweigh its benefits. Please don't take us wrong -- many, many people have had their lives saved and drastically improved by modern treatments, but evidence is mounting that the eschewing of plant based medicine has not been to the patients best interests.
Scientifically Backed Medicinal Actions of Essential Oils
Research into the area of medicinal applications of essential oils has been significant in recent years. Many oils have been proven to have significant antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal action. Now, the body of evidence of essential oils being strongly anti-tumorial, with specific anti-cancer action is growing, too. A search of Pub Med, the National Institute of Health's online research database produces 391 results for the search 'essential oils cancer' and 444 results for 'essential oil tumor'. MANY of the studies show a direct correlation in tumor and cancer cell line eradication with the use of essential oils. A great many have conclusions that indicate the studies results warrant further investigation of essential oils for the development of accepted therapies. Here's a review of some very promising results:
Anticancer Action of Frankincense
Frankincense has had a place in medicine for as long as medical practices have been documented. The resin from these stout trees of Africa and the Middle East is highly revered for its curative and preventative action (with many spiritual uses as well). In 2009, the journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine published a studied that outright said Frankincense essential oil kills cancer cells while sparing normal, healthy cells. The oil distilled from the tree's resin acted specifically on bladder cancer cells, with the study concluding that Frankincense might represent and alternative agent for treatment. Odd that the mainstream media has not made much of this finding -- it took a subscription to these abstracts for many interested parties to be notified -- otherwise it easily could have gone unnoticed! Frankincense essential oil is well known to be non-toxic, with many people able to put the oil directly on their skin, and even ingest the oil in small quantities without any negative response. Though it can induce cell death with incredible specificity, a feature that absolutely suggests further investigation should be performed -- hopefully the medical establishment will agree.
Lemongrass Essential Oil Normalizes Apoptotic Process
The oil distilled from the leaves of Lemongrass, an herb with a long medicinal history itself, also shows similar action. In an evaluation of the essential oil from the Lemongrass species Cymbopogon flexuosus, the oil was found cytotoxic to a number of cancer cell types, and was active particularly in affecting that 'hallmark of cancer cells', the 'dysregulation of apoptosis' -- the natural process of cell death. One study concluded "The easy and abundant availability of the oil combined with its suggested mechanism of cytotoxicity make CFO (Lemongrass Oil) highly useful in the development of anti-cancer therapeutics". Inexpensive, easy to make, and effective: virtues of all of Nature's finest medicines!
The Sweet Chemical Linalool Anti-Cancer Action
Another groundbreaking study revealed the potential efficacy of a component of many essential oils. The study suggests the potential for one very common constituent can destroy liver cancer cells at very low concentrations -- it may be possible then that an essential oil with similar properties found in one's own region of the planet can have these same effects, offering the same healing or protective action without needing 'exotic' medicines to do so. The chemical 'linaolool' lends itself to the sweetness of many aromatics. The higher the linalool concentration in Lavender oil, for example, the sweeter it will be. So this constituent of so many essential oils completely eradicated a liver cancer cell line in a very, very low dilution. The constituent decreased the activity of metabolic pathways producing ATP in the cell, essentially killing the cancer cells by cutting of their energy production. While the study did not conclude anything about further investigation (or not), it was profoundly interesting for those regularly using essential oils in their lives. These folks will naturally absorb the amounts of linalool used in the study in their daily inhalation or topical application of oils, perhaps invoking a protective effect for themselves and their families...this would certainly be an interesting piece of research!
Sandalwood and Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is a major concern for many folks, and a series of studies have shown Sandalwood to be effective at preventing tumor development. Alpha-santalol, a component also shown to have anti-anxiety and sleep enhancing action, may be the constituent to which most of these effects may be attributed. This is fortunate, as Sandalwood from India is becoming more rare and expensive, though Sandalwood from Australia and other South Pacific islands is still readily available. A study published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention, a formula used for containing just 5% Sandalwood essential oil used before exposure to toxins significantly reduced the formation of skin cancer tumors. A study published in January 2008 in the Journal of Anitcancer Research showed a significant reduction in tumor development in skin exposed to UVB radiation -- Sandalwood would make an excellent addition to a pre-sun body or face care formula.
Protective Action of the Spice Oils
The common spice oils of Thyme and Oregano have large concentrations of constituents that have been shown to protect human DNA from damage. Alteration through chemical and radiation exposure of our DNA is thought to be one of the primary causes of tumor development. Considered to be common essential oil constituents, exposure to both Carvacrol and Thymol lead to cells being significantly more resistant to DNA damage from exposure to hydrogen peroxide (a potent oxidative chemical). A similar study investigated this effect specifically on human lymphocytes (white blood cells) with the same results. The oil from the spice Turmeric has been the subject of many studies, not only examining its anti-tumor action, but elucidating the specific chemical pathways though which this action occurs. Many other 'spice' oils have been the subject of similar studies, indicating that these spices that have for so long played a part in the cuisines and cultures of the world also have played a role in the health of mankind. The essential oils of these spices offer highly-concentrated, easily absorbed preparations of these plants, with significant therapeutic potential.
Transitioning to Effective Natural Medicines
Beyond the direct effects on tumor cells, essential oils have been shown to positively effect the immune system on a chemical level. They can enhance the activity of white blood cells, making them more efficient and removing foreign material and microbes from the body. This would likely result in more effective cancer outcomes. Futher, there's the psychological component of any disease, and many essential oils have demonstrated anti-stress activity in scientific investigations. So, like many plant medicines, essential oils work on a number of levels for many diseases, with cancer being one of them. While its important to recognize that essential oil use is in-fact contra-indicated during chemotherapy (as they may reduce the cytotoxic effects of the treatment), they can certainly be an integral part of any cancer preventative protocol. For any application where an individual has already been diagnosed with the illness, it is important to check with their physician to ensure essential oils and aroma-medicine is an appropriate choice. The overall picture is very bright for the use of essential oils in cancer treatment, and further investigation is certainly warranted by the scientific and medical communities for the development of effective medical protocols for this profoundly life-altering condition.

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Pueraria Mirifica- True Wonder of the Nature

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Pueraria Mirifica grows in Thailand and Myanmar. It is one of the traditional medicines that old folks have been using. They believe that it can help make people live longer and make the skin as firm as that of a child. Over the years, there have been a lot of successful researches and studies done to the plant to prove its medicinal properties that can be beneficial to human. Based on studies the plant contains high levels of natural plant estrogens called phytoestrogens. These estrogens are similar in structure with the estrogens that are produced by the human body.

Other theories say that it can be harmful and may cause negative side effects because phytoestrogens may displace the woman's naturally produced hormones. But this has been debunked by other studies proving that phytoestrogens are not considered foreign objects by the body and are recognized as identical to the hormones naturally produced by the body. Moreover, it has been found that they actually displace mimic estrogens and prevent the breast cancer cells to proliferate. It can also help prevent prostate cancer, colon cancer and cardiovascular cancer. Human tests for Pueraria Mirificas as a food supplement product or as functional food, the products have exhibited estrogenic effects. The effects of estrogenic activities include reforming of the skin making it firmer and younger, healthier hair and breast enlargement.

Because of the scientific studies that support the beneficial effects of Pueraria Mirifica, many groups and companies have been making independent researches on how to make these beneficial effects available to the public. Most of these companies have focused on cosmetic benefits of the plant, producing commercial products such as breast cream and gums for natural breast enlargement.

The first test of PM on human was done in Japan in 1999, involving 50 participants between 20 to 49 years old. The test produced 70% successful rate of breast enlargement or firming in every group. After this success, the use of products derived from PM came to public. A lot anecdotal incidents have been compiled supporting the efficacy of PM on breast enlargement. However, taking supplements derived from the plant should not be directly assumed as the direct application of the researches and studies done with the plant. Manufacturing and consuming herbal products is a different field. There are still a lot of researches and studies to come up to patented standard products.

In spite of this, because of many testimonials from women who have successfully enlarged their breasts up to 80%, many other have been encouraged to use the products. And there have been only a few isolated cases of users having adverse reactions with the products.

Pueraria has long been used in Thailand as a traditional beauty aid to improve skin texture and to encourage hair growth; it has only been recently, after extensive research and study, has the FDA approved the use of this herb to aid in many medical conditions which include preventing the growth of cancer cells, deterring cardiovascular-related infections, and improving eyesight.

In the course of thorough laboratory tests, another benefit was discovered - Pueraria can increase breast size. Phytoestrogens in the plant act to activate the body's own estrogens. This results in an increase of the breasts' fatty tissues, and the strengthening of the ligaments which act as a support to a woman's mammary glands. Phytoestrogen also lengthens the milk ducts toward the nipple area, and all these three actions work together to enlarge the breasts, as well cause them to become firmer.

Estrogen, which is responsible for the health of a woman's reproductive organs, is also responsible for breast growth. Introducing the natural phytoestrogens found in Pueraria has the effect of stimulating the existing estrogen levels in a woman's body. This bulks up the fatty tissues in the female breasts, enlarges and strengthens the ligaments that supports these breasts, and lengthens the milk ducts toward the nipple area.

The result of all these actions is manifested in larger a larger breast size, and this occurs in a gradual manner over the span of between 30 to 45 days. This is entirely unlike the unnatural effects of invasive surgery for breast implants which places a woman at risk for several side effects, such as scarring, unnatural implant lumps, bruising, muscle pain, and a lengthy recovery time. With Pueraria use, a woman may continue with regular activities, suffering only the mild side effect of some hormonal imbalances.

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How To Calculate Your Risk For Breast Cancer

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Using known risk factors for breast cancer, mathematical models can be developed to help answer important questions. These mathematical models are useful tools for researchers and for patients as follows:

1. Research on risk factors The Claus risk assessment model was used to discover the subpopulation of people who had an autosomal dominant genetic allele that increased their risk from 10% to 92%. This led to the discovery of the BRCA genes associated with breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer.
2. Clinical trial eligibility The Gail risk assessment model was developed to help researchers determine who to enroll in the NSAPB Breast Cancer Prevention Trials
where chemoprevention was shown to reduce breast cancer risk.
3. Guidelines for doing BRCA testing BRCA testing is very expensive and practically worthless if done on everyone (because it is so rare to be homozygous for BRCA1 or BRCA2). Mathematical models such as the BRCAPRO, BOADICEA, and Tyrer-Cuzick models can help determine what patients should undergo BRCA testing. The decision for testing is usually made when one of these models predicts a 10% or greater chance that there is a mutation of the BRCA1, BRCA2, or both genes.
4. Guidelines for doing MRI screening for breast cancer - MRI screening for breast cancer is not a cost effective screening test for the general population, but in specific groups, there are clear cut reasons to do so. In general, screening MRI is recommended for women with 20-25% or greater lifetime risk of breast cancer. The BRCAPRO and Tyrer-Cuzick models have been used to help make clinical decisions about ordering MRIs for breast cancer screening.
5. Guidelines for breast cancer therapy The Gail model is used clinically to help
determine who should be put on tamoxifen or raloxifene for chemoprevention. Other models have been used to help make decisions about breast cancer risk reduction with prophylactic mastectomy.

For these reasons, it is important to understand these models. These models are collectively refered to as risk assessment tools. The following paragraphs summarize the most popular and most widely used risk assessment tools. Keep in mind that none of these risk assessment tools apply to breast cancer survivors. No mathematical model has been widely accepted to determine cancer risk in cancer survivors.

General Risk Assessment Tools

Gail Model: The Gail model is a validated risk-assessment model that focuses primarily on nonhereditary risk factors, with limited information on family history. It was developed by scientists at the National Cancer Institute and the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) to assist health care providers in discussing breast cancer risk to determine their eligibility for the Breast Cancer Prevention Trial. The tool allows one to project a woman's individual estimate of breast cancer risk over a five-year period of time and over her lifetime. It also compares the woman's risk calculation with the average risk for a woman of the same age. The Gail Model is an on-line quiz that has 13 questions and is interactive. This calculator is based on published risk statistics and methods gathered from peer-reviewed journals, and has been extensively tested for its validity.

The major limitation of the Gail model is the inclusion of only first-degree relatives, which results in underestimating risk in the 50% of families with cancer in the paternal lineage and also takes no account of the age of onset of breast cancer. It may underestimate risk in certain groups, such as obese patients.

National Cancer Institute Model: The NCI risk assessment tool is essentially a simplified Gail Model that also factors in race. Race is a factor in determining breast cancer risk but is excluded when determining eligibility for clinical trials. This tool is probably the most popular risk assessment tool available to the public as an on-line, interactive risk calculator. The on-line quiz is a shorter, nine-point questionnaire that includes multiple factors, giving a woman her future five-year risk of breast cancer and her lifetime risk of breast cancer.

The NCI tool does not account for a lot of risk factors that can be modified. For this reason, it is difficult to use this test as a motivation tool to show people how lifestyle can alter their risk of breast cancer. It also cannot be used in breast cancer survivors, in patients with DCIS, LCIS, or people who carry one of the BRCA genes.

BRCAPRO model: This is a statistical model available as a computer program that uses two different algorithms to evaluate family history and helps a doctor determine the likelihood of finding either a BRCA1 mutation or a BRCA2 mutation in a family. The results of this can be used to determine if BRCA testing is indicated. This is very useful in light of the high cost of BRCA testing (,000). None of the nonhereditary risk factors can yet be incorporated into the model, however. In a comparison of four different methods for estimating breast cancer risk in patients with a family history of breast cancer, the BRCAPRO model was the least accurate. It predicted only 49% of the breast cancers that actually occurred in the screened group of patients with a family history of breast cancer.
Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention Risk Assessment Tool: This is another breast cancer risk assessment tool that includes more lifestyle factors than the NCI or Gail Model tools. It has not been studied as extensively as the Gail Model or the simplified NCI model, but it is promising in that it includes many lifestyle factors that people can do to modify their risk of developing cancer. It is also an on-line questionnaire that can be used by both women and men to estimate their breast cancer risk.

Making all this practical

Now after a thorough and confusing discussion of all these statistical models, it's time to make all this information practical. What is the best way to help a patient accurately assess her risk of breast cancer and if possible, show her what positive factors are reducing her risk and what negative factors can be changed to reduce her risk? If possible, it would also be great to show the patient the value and indications for testing, imaging, chemoprevention, and in some cases surgery. A discussion of the practical aspect of each of these is addressed in a Q & A format below:

Q: What (free) online programs can be used to help a patient assess their risk of breast cancer?

A: Several of the risk assessment tools mentioned above can be accessed for free by the public. Here are the tests and their websites:

1. Your Disease Risk English version:
Spanish version:
This is a great interactive questionnaire that calculates five-year and lifetime risk of breast cancer developed by the Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention and made public online in 2000. In 2005, they launched the Spanish version of the site, Cuidar de su Salud. The risk calculator includes lifestyle factors such as weight, dietary vegetables, alcohol intake, as well as Jewish ethnicity. It does not include other ethnicities, however, and is not accurate for BRCA mutation carriers or breast cancer survivors. Despite these issues, this is by far the best free online risk calculator since it is very interactive and gives you a personalized description of your risk in the form of a colored bar graph, which they can electronically manipulate to experience "virtual" risk reduction. The bar graph is a seven-level scale that compares users to a typical man or woman your age. Users learn where to focus their prevention efforts and how to make lifestyle changes by "clicking on" personalized strategies. With each click, the bar graph shrinks, and the user watches his/her predicted risk drop. This is a great concept to motivate people to participate and comply with lifestyle modification measures.

2. The NCI Risk Assessment Tool regular web:
Mobile web:
This is the easy to use, on-line questionnaire based on a modified Gail model that also includes ethnicity. It does not factor in a personal history of breast cancer, DCIS, or LCIS. It does not account for other factors such as BRCA status, hormonal replacement therapy, lifestyle factors, breast feeding, menopause, or mammographic density. Despite these issues, it is a very useful tool that gives a woman her five-year and lifetime risk of breast cancer. It is the only risk assessment tool that can be used via mobile handheld devices (any type). A version of this can be downloaded for PDAs with Windows Pocket PC operating system as well.

Q: What programs can be used to help a doctor make decisions about ordering a breast MRI?

A: The American Cancer Society has developed some very good guidelines for breast cancer screening with MRI. It should be emphasized that MRI is an adjunct to mammography, not a replacement. Four programs can be used to help in clinical decision making. They are as follows:

1. A Cancer Journal for Clinicians

2. BRCPRO ver.4.3 available @

3. Claus Model available as a palm based software product version 1.0 at

4. IBIS - Breast Cancer Risk Evaluation Tool, RiskFileCalc version 1.0. This is the Tyrer-Cuzick model that includes hereditary and nonhereditary risk factors. Contact:

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Types of Chemotherapy for Esophageal Cancer

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Everyday persons affected by esophageal cancer are getting diagnosed all over the world with less than five years of poor prognosis.
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New Chemotherapy Drugs for Esophageal Cancer

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One of the ways of treatment for esophageal cancer is chemotherapy by which the drugs are used to kill the cancer cells. But frequently used treatment is the combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Different types of chemotherapy such as single agent and combination chemotherapy is used.

The older single agents include bleomycin, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) which is given by continuous infusion or bolus, mitomycin and cisplatin have the single agent response rates ranging from 10% to 20%. Carboplatin in turn has a lower single agent response rate in both squamous cell carcinoma and adeno carcinoma though the carboplatin based combination regimens appear similar to cisplatin combinations.

Many type of chemotherapeutic agents are being used for treating esophageal cancer and among these the most successful drugs are 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), cisplatin (platinol-AQ), mitomycin (mutamycin), paclitaxel (taxol, oncol) , docetaxel (taxotere), vindesine (eldisine), vinorelbine (navelbine), irinotecan (camptosar).

A new platinum analog Oxaliplatin has not been evaluated as a single agent in esophageal cancer, but 5-FU and Capecitabine in combination with Oxaliplatin have been evaluated in phase 2 and 3 trials. The alkaloids vindesine and vinorelbine have significant hematologic toxicity with grade 3 and 4 neutropenia seen in 59% of patients.

Another active single agent in esophageal cancer, paclitaxel was used in combination chemotherapy. Docetaxel has been evaluated in esophageal adenocarcinoma and squamous carcinoma at the doses of 70-100 mg/m2 every 3 weeks. The topoisomerase1 inhibitor etoposide has been studied in both adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma with response rates ranging from 0-90%.

The drugs are not only used individually but also in combinations. ECF is one of the most common drug combinations used by the doctors to treat adeno carcinomas of the esophagus. It contains the drugs epirubicin, cisplatin and 5-FU. For squamous cell cancer in esophagus, a common combination of drugs given is cisplatin and 5-FU.

Platinum based drugs such as carboplatin (paraplatin) and cisplatin (platinol-AQ) are used for treating advanced disease. The antibiotics such as mitomycin is used to treat esophageal cancer while anti metabolite such as 5-FU is used in combination to treat carcinomas. There are various side effects produced due to all these chemotherapeutic drugs.

When the chemotherapeutic drugs are taken by mouth or injected into the vein or muscles, the drugs can enter the blood stream and can reach the cancer cells which are present throughout the body which can be called as systemic chemotherapy. When chemotherapy is placed directly into the spinal column, an organ or a body cavity such as the abdomen, the drugs mainly affect the cancer cells that are present mainly in those areas. This method is called regional chemotherapy.

Though these chemotherapy drugs are used as a cure, it also has disadvantages and side effects. The side effects such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, kidney or lung damage, edema or swelling, nausea, constipation, low blood count, visual impairment, vomiting, headache, confusion, nose bleed, fever, insomnia, dizziness, nerve damage, heart damage, breathing problems, blood clots, rashes, hair loss etc may occur.

Natural Remedies:
There are certain natural remedies that offer a promising cure for esophageal cancer. Along with the natural remedies and a well-researched different diet pattern, a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle can make a huge difference to your efforts for prolonging the life for several years. You can increase your chances of surviving esophagus cancer now by trying these proven natural remedies discussed here

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Breast Cancer In Men - What Are Male Breast Cancer Symptoms?

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Many people have this belief that woman only get the breast cancer. You should not be amazed to know that breast cancer is also common in men, only they disregard its symptoms or get misapprehension of some other sickness. Men feel it as a social disgrace and like to avoid feeling awkward for this reason and they often deny their suffering from breast cancer.

Discovering breast cancer in men:

It is better to get educated and acquire knowledge about signs and symptoms that can very useful to detect and treat breast cancer in men. Cancer is easily curable if it is detected in initial stages.

- Painless growth or swelling or thickening of breast
- Scaling and getting inflammation of nipple its region around it
- Roughness or retraction in nipple spot
- Change in nipple color. The nipple is involved in the reddish appearance or bloody release from nipple

Causes for Breast Cancer Risks:

There are several factors that can contribute to the risk of breast cancer in men. Some of these risks relate to heredity and ageing, which can not be totally eliminated. But, there are many other factors such as in-nutritious diet, consumption of alcohol, addicted to smoking etc, which can be curbed.

So one should know what is to be avoided to prevent the chances of getting breast cancer.

1. Men get breast cancer at the average age of 67 years. The possibility of getting cancer is between the age of 60 and 70 years. They should be cautious to get it detected at the earliest.

2. The data reveals an interesting thing that nearly 20% men diagnosed for breast cancer have some female relative also suffering from breast cancer.

3. If someone got treated with radiations on chest area earlier, he stands greater chance for breast cancer.

4. Between 5 and 10% of breast cancer cases in men are due to genetics. Heredity increases this risk. The genes help in growth of cancer.

5. The chances of breast cancer are, more if a male has medical history of a congenial detect called Klinefelter syndrome, where he has excess of X chromosome that causes reduction in male hormones and increase in female hormones.

6. Getting used to estrogen related drugs increases the risk of breast cancer as the breast cancer cells are believed to be estrogen receptors and enable easier growth of cancer.

7. Persons with lever diseases are also more prone to breast cancer since the body has more estrogen activity and reduced androgen activity in such cases like cirrhosis.

8. Men with excess obesity are more at the risk as their fat cells increase significantly. Fat cells convert estrogen from androgen resulting in concentration of estrogen in the body, which increases the risk of breast cancer.

9. Consuming alcohol without any control can cause the growth of breast cancer in men as alcohol affects the lever severely to promote diseases of lever and accumulation of fat, which also helps cancer cells to grow.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Schizophrenia (literally "split mind") is often thought of as a split or dual personality. However, this disease is best defined as a disorganization of normal thought and feeling. It is probably caused by the malfunctioning of the cells through which information flows within the brain. Symptoms usually appear in late adolescence or early adulthood, and extreme mental stress almost always triggers them. The illness is lifelong, but acute attacks tend to come and go, and usually occur at times of emotional upheaval or personal loss. What are The Symptoms?

Some popular novels, plays and movies have encouraged us to think of schizophrenia in extremely narrow and dramatic terms. Schizophrenia has been presented quite often in terms of the split personality, two seemingly individual and separate people living with
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Thyroid Nodule- Receive Proper Evaluation To Rule Out Cancer

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The term thyroid nodule refers to any abnormal growth of the thyroid cells into a lump. Although a vast majority of thyroid nodules are benign (noncancerous), a small proportion does contain thyroid cancer. Because of this possibility, the evaluation of a thyroid nodule is aimed at discovering a potential cancer.

You often may not even know you have a thyroid nodule until your ENT in Hackensack discovers it during a routine medical exam. Some thyroid nodules, however, may become large enough to press on your windpipe, making it uncomfortable or difficult to swallow. Treatment options will depend on the type of thyroid nodule that you have.

What Causes a Thyroid Nodule to Form?

Sometimes thyroid tissue begins to grow, causing one or more nodules to form. The reason this happens is unknown, but cancer is one of the biggest concerns when nodules do form. Fortunately, cancer is very rare - found in less than five percent of all nodules. You may develop a thyroid nodule more often if you have a family history of nodules and in individuals with iodine deficiency, as iodine is needed to make the thyroid hormone.

There are different types of thyroid nodules, including:
* Colloid nodules. These are one or more overgrowths of normal thyroid tissue.
* Thyroid cysts. These are fluid-filled or partially solid/partially fluid-filled growths inside the thyroid gland.
* Inflammatory nodules. These develop as a result of chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland.
* Hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules. These produce thyroid hormones, which may lead to the development of hyperthyroidism.
* Thyroid Cancer. Of the nodules that can form as the thyroid gland enlarges, less than five percent are actually cancerous.

How are Thyroid Nodules Diagnosed and Treated?

In some instances you may be able to feel the nodule yourself, or your ENT may discover it during an exam. If you ENT does determine that you have a thyroid nodule, he or she will usually need to order one or more tests. A thyroid hormone level test is used to check the levels of hormones secreted by the thyroid gland. Most often, the hormone levels are normal despite he presence of nodules. However, there are also times when abnormal hormone levels exist, but are also benign.

Additionally, your ENT may perform a fine-needle biopsy of the thyroid gland to draw a sample of cells from one or more thyroid nodules. The samples are sent to a laboratory once received and typically come back as noncancerous. A thyroid ultrasound can also be used if the presence of nodules is found. This test uses sound waves to determine if a nodule is solid or a fluid-filled cyst.

Treatment often depends on the type of thyroid nodule that is discovered. Such treatments might include:
* Close monitoring for any changes through frequent checkups
* Thyroid hormone suppression therapy
* Radioactive iodine
* Surgery

Majority of thyroid nodules do not require surgical removal. However, if the nodule is suspicious or cancerous, removal is typically advised. Removing half, most or all of the thyroid gland, depending on the condition and status of the remaining gland, accomplishes this. Patients are typically discharged within 24 hours of the procedure or sometimes the same day.

Contact your Hackensack ENT for more information on thyroid nodules and to see if you might have one. Regular checkups with your ENT for evaluation can help ensure the health of your thyroid.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Dentist In Sterling Heights, Mi Utilizes Social Media Channels To Interact With Patients

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STERLING HEIGHTS, MI - Every year technology makes large strides in society. To take advantage of these improvements, Dr. Sheela Neral, dentist in Sterling Heights, MI, is pleased to announce the availability of her practice's Facebook and Twitter pages. Through Dr. Neral's social network, patients can remain "in the know" for important dental information, as well as information about Dr. Neral and her dental practice in Sterling Heights, MI.

"It is important that my patients can find the information they are looking for, whenever they need it. With the availability of our social network, I hope that my patients will continue to reach out to my staff and myself whenever they have a question, or simply want to share their experience with us. Facebook and Twitter are easy to use, which makes interacting with our patients easier than ever," said Dr. Sheela Neral, Sterling Heights, MI dentist.

To access the practice's Facebook and Twitter accounts, patients can visit the website for Dr. Neral. From the homepage, patients can click on the available links for instant access to the practice's social network. To remain updated about dentistry and the practice, patients can simply "Like" or "Follow" the practice on Facebook and Twitter.

Once a patient is "in the network," they will receive updates each time Dr. Sheela Neral, dentist in Sterling Heights, shares information through her social media channels. Important information about dentistry, including the announcement of the availability of Invisalign in Sterling Heights at Dr. Neral's office, are shared around the clock through the ever growing social network.

In addition to the practice's social network, patients can also leave reviews via popular search engines, including Google, Yelp and Yahoo. The review sites are available to help future and current patients better understand the services offered at Dr. Neral's dental office in Sterling Heights. Patients are able to read and leave reviews to instill a sense of confidence at each dental visit. Dr. Sheela Neral appreciates her patients' feedback and encourages each patient to share their experiences online.

For more information about Invisalign and the other services Dr. Neral offers, patients can visit the her website at http://www.drneraldentist[dot]com or contact her office at 586-268-1040 (Sterling Heights) or 248-888-0364 (Farmington Hills).

About Sheela Neral, DDS, PC: Dr. Neral received her Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Detroit Dental School in 1991. She is highly skilled in both general and cosmetic dentistry. Dr. Neral takes new courses every year to keep her skills competitive and polished. She is committed to providing patients with the most advanced, quality dental procedures available. For the past 15 years, Dr. Neral has been in private practice in the Sterling Heights and Farmington Hills area. She is dedicated to keeping up with the continuous advancements in dentistry by completing several hours of continuing education in dentistry each year. Dr. Sheela Neral looks forward to talking with each patient about how she and her staff can work together to enhance their oral health and beautiful smile.

Media Contact:
Dr. Sheela Neral, DDS, PC
38300 Van Dyke, #103-A
Sterling Heights, MI 30322

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Dog Mouth Cancer - What Is The Prognosis For Mouth Cancer In Dogs?

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Dog mouth cancer accounts for up to 7% of malignant tumors in dogs. The three most common types of cancers that are found in a dog's mouth are the melanoma, the squamous cell carcinoma and the fibrosarcoma.
Small tumors in the mouth tend not to cause any symptoms, and they may only be discovered when your dog is examined by your vet for another reason. As they grow larger, they become obvious when your dog opens their mouth, and start to cause problems. Your dog may be off their food, or they may want to eat but can't seem to manage it. They may have bad breath, increased salivation or even bleeding from the mouth. Depending on the site of the tumor, they may have wobbly teeth, or their teeth may fall out.
The most important part of diagnosing dog mouth cancer is identifying exactly what type of tumor your dog has. This will give you more information about the best treatment option, and the likely outcome for your dog. This is done by taking a biopsy of the tumor, and sending it to a laboratory for examination.
At the same time as the biopsy is taken, a sample of cells can be taken from the lymph nodes under the jaw and also sent for analysis. This will tell you if the cancer has started to spread beyond the oral cavity. Further tests, including blood tests, x-rays of your dog's chest and ultrasound of their abdomen, can also give information about the extent of their disease. Your dog's skull and teeth should also be x-rayed to see if the bone has been affected by cancer.
The outcome for those with dog mouth cancer varies.
Melanomas have a poor prognosis. These tumors are aggressive, and quickly spread throughout the body.
Squamous cell carcinomas become quite large and invasive, but they rarely spread elsewhere. The one exception is squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsils. Dogs with this type of cancer usually have malignant cells in nearby lymph nodes when their disease is first diagnosed, and the prognosis isn't as good.
Fibrosarcomas are most commonly found in the upper jaw, but can also occur in the lower jaw. These tumors grow locally but tend not to affect other parts of the body.
As with other types of cancer, the best outcomes from treatment of dog mouth cancer are achieved when the disease is diagnosed early. Look inside your dog's mouth regularly, and if you notice any lumps or swelling, have them treated straight away.
Has your dog been diagnosed with cancer? Do you suspect that he might have this dreaded disease?

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Great Hydroelectric Projects - Three Gorges Dam

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It has been described as China's most ambitious building project since the Great Wall. Operational since July 4, 2012, although it will not be completely finished until 2014, the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River produces more hydroelectric energy than any other installation in the world. With 32 turbines rated at 700MW each, plus two 50MW used to provide just to operate the dam itself, the 22,500MW output of the dam will produce 10% of China's energy needs for now.

The difficulty, in fact the reason that the dam was built, is China's runaway energy demands. Between 1970 and 1990, that country's energy use rose 208%, at a rate four times the world's average. Despite promises by the Chinese government to actually reduce energy consumption by 20% by the end of 2010, the trend has been in the opposite direction: China is projected to double its energy use between 2010 and 2030. Much of this is caused by a change in the economic and manufacturing profile of the country. Moving from light industry, such as textile manufacturing, China has become increasingly involved in heavy manufacturing and construction, particularly the energy-intensive manufacture of aluminum.

Providing this energy has become increasingly difficult. China is heavily dependent upon coal- and oil-fired electrical plants. In fact, nearly 50% of the world's total coal-fired electric capacity is in China, although their coal reserves are only 11% of the world's. To keep pace with the dramatic growth in energy use, China must build approximately 12 electric generation plants rated at 1000MW each per year.

The Three Gorges Dam, even as the world's single most productive electric generation installation, is probably just a stopgap in providing energy demand. The dam is located on the upper Yangtze River in Hubei Province, just downstream from a stretch of the river that has been famed for hundreds of years as the subject of classical Chinese paintings of its cliffs and rock formations. Those gorges are gone now, drowned beneath the reservoir created by the dam. The structure, 2.3 km (1.3 miles) long and 180m (nearly 600 feet) above the riverbed, has created a reservoir 370 miles long, containing 10.3 trillion gallons of water (39.3 cubic km). This reservoir has flooded 200 miles of the canyons that were the subject of so much Chinese art.

The impact of the Three Gorges Dam go beyond just the art world. The construction and subsequent flooding of the gorges required the relocation of approximately 1.3 million people from 1,350 villages, towns and small cities. The deforestation of half the trees in the affected stretch of the river has endangered thousands of species of plants, more than half of which were already rare and many of which are at the heart of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The change in the environment has also affected animals. Wetlands that were the winter habitat of the critically endangered Siberian crane were destroyed, potentially dooming that species to extinction. Many fish and aquatic mammals are also affected; changes in the water flow, temperatures and quality have placed pressure on such endangered species as the paddlefish (only 3,000 are known to remain) and the Chinese river dolphin. Even as the reservoir was still in the process of filling, the appearance of large rafts of garbage and the creation of algae blooms signaled the decline of water quality along the river. The saturated banks of the river also began to erode, causing landslides, some of them massive. In the early months of 2009, there were 97 significant landslides along the reservoir's footprint, one of which was reported to be at least 26,000 cubic yards and perhaps double that. Even the weight of the trillions of gallons of water in the reservoir is blamed for the sudden increase of small earthquakes in the region.

The site of the Three Gorges Dam has been eyed as a potential location for such a project for at least a century. Sun Yat-sen, the first president of the Republic of China after the fall of the Manchu Dynasty in 1911, envisioned a dam in this stretch of the Yangtze River in a book published in 1919. His successor, Chiang Kai-shek even began preliminary surveys for a dam in 1939, before the invasion by the Japanese. Even Mao Zedong spoke of the potential of a dam in this portion of the river. It was not until the 1980s that Chinese Premier Li Peng (of the Tiananmen Square Massacre fame), who was trained as an engineer in the tradition of massive Soviet-style construction projects, was successful in making the Three Rivers Gorge a reality.

Except for some finishing details, the Three Rivers Gorge is complete and operational. Although it now holds back trillions of gallons of water, it remains to be seen if it will be successful in holding back the voracious energy appetite of the Chinese economy.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Fifty Four Year Old Patient Dies Of Colon Cancer After It Went Undiagnosed During 3 Colonoscopies

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People with a family background of colon cancer and additionally individuals with symptoms are at increased risk of getting colon cancer. The main procedure employed by physicians to test for colon cancer if an inidividual has a family history or is complaining of a symptom, such as blood in the stool, is the colonoscopy. With this method doctors are able to see the inside of the colon and look for abnormal (and possibly cancerous) growths. In addition to testing people who are at an increased risk level, physicians also typically advocate that asymptomatic people who are 50 or older undergo routine screening in order to discover any cancer that may be developing in the colon before it reaches an advanced stage.

In case the doctor conducting the colonoscopy is unable to look at the full span of the colon it is feasible that there might be cancer present in the sections that were not examined. Among the reasons why a doctor might not finish the colonoscopy is inadequate prior preparation resulting in inadequate visualization or the presence of an obstruction which makes it impossible to pass the scope beyond the area of the obstruction. When situations like these occur the doctor should tell the patient and recommend that the individual either undergo an alternative procedure or a repeat colonoscopy. A failure to do so may lead to a missed cancer which can grow and progress to an advanced stage before it is detected.

Examine, as an example, one published lawsuit involving a 54 year old female who passed away from advanced colon cancer. The first risk factor her doctors knew about was a family history of cancer of the colon. Throughout the length of six years, physicians performed 3 colonospies on her. In that time the woman described that she observed rectal bleeding and abdominal pain frequently. Besides these two symptoms, her physicians, on at least one occasion, also noted that she had a third symptom of colon cancer - she had anemia.

In this case, the doctor who performed the colonoscopies in fact documented, with respect to two of them, that visualization was incomplete in both the ascending colon and the cecum. The physician additionally recorded that this was the situation due to the fact that there was a problem in passing the scope beyond the transverse colon. Sill, the doctor who performed the 3 colonoscopies and followed her throughout this period continued assuring her that her problems were due to hemorrhoids.

She was eventually diagnosed with colon cancer when her tumor was detected during exploratory surgery so as to uncover the cause of her problems. The cancer had grown and spread so far that the patient had to have a significant part of her intestines taken out and then had to undergo chemotherapy. Unfortunately, despite treatment she passed away from the cancer. As a result of the physician's failure to follow up on her symptoms in light of two incomplete colonoscopies the woman's family filed a lawsuit. The law firm handled the lawsuit was able to document that they acheived a settlement of 5,000 on behalf of the family.

Physicians use diagnostic tests in order to find or exclude particular diseases. For instance, the colonoscopy is employed to find or exclude colon cancer yet the result of the test is only as good as the accuracy with which the test was conducted. A colonoscopy employs a scope to see the interior of the colon to check if there are polyps or tumors in the colon

In the event that the whole colon is not visualized, as in the claim previously mentioned, a physician cannot count on it to exclude cancer. In the event that the patient does have cancer this might lead to a delay in diagnosis that allows the cancer time to grow and progress to an incurable stage. In a situation like that the doctor who counted on a partial procedure may be liable.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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The ovarian cysts, their symptoms and treatment

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Situated in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus, the ovaries belong to the female reproductive system. Having the aspect of an almond, the ovaries are responsible with the production of female hormones and eggs.

The female experiences every month during the menstrual cycle a process called ovulation. In this process, the egg is traveling from the ovary to the uterus, through the fallopian tube. It is also known that the ovaries produce progesterone and estrogen. These are hormones that have a role in regulating the menstrual cycle and pregnancy and also influence woman's development of breasts, body hair and body shape.

On the ovary can appear a lot of types of cysts. During the menstrual cycle, there can appear cysts, that are called functional cysts. Woman's ovaries grow each month little cysts, that have the role of holding the eggs, and when the egg is mature, it will be released from the fluid-filled sac that forms the cyst. Then, the egg travels for fertilization through the fallopian tube and the sac dissolves.

A follicular cyst is a type of a functional cyst, and it appears when the sac continues to grow and doesn't break open to release the egg. Frequently, this cyst goes away in one up to three months. If, after revealing the egg the cyst doesn't dissolve and seals off, fluid will build up inside of it. That is called a corpus luteum cyst, and usually disappears after a few weeks without any treatment. It is possible that this cyst will cause pain and will bleed, and it can grow up to four inches. There are some known drugs such as Clomid or Serophene that can raise the risk of developing this type of cysts.

Other types of cysts are endometriomas, which appear when tissue from the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus. These cysts can be painful during menstruation or sex, and they look like a form of growth, attached to the ovary. Cystadenomas are cysts that develop from the cells situated on the outer surface of the ovary. They can cause pain, become large, and are often filled with a sticky gel or a watery fluid. Dermoid cysts can form from the cells situated in the ovary that are able to make teeth, hair and other growing tissues, are large and painful. Cysts can form also where there are polycystic ovaries .There, the sac doesn't break open to release the egg, follicles are growing continuously inside the ovary when the cycle repeats, determining the apparition of cysts.

Very often, women do not know they have a cyst, because they have no symptoms, but sometimes, a cyst may cause weight gain, abnormal bleeding and painful menstrual periods, pain or pressure in the abdomen or during sex, breast tenderness or vomitation. Other symptoms are also sudden severe abdominal pain, faintness, dizziness or rapid breathing. It is very important to go to the doctor as soon as you discover any of these symptoms. Because there are not always symptoms, cysts are discovered by chance, usually during a routine pelvic exam. The doctor will perform an ultrasound control, and so, he will find information about the shape, size and composition of the cyst. The doctor might want to check the hormones level as well, or to take more tests.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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