Lead Aprons: Required Protective Equipment for Occupations Using X-Radiation

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Doctors routinely use X-rays to examine broken bones such as open breaks that must be set to heal properly. The technologist performing the exam would first cover the patient with a heavy bib so that only body regions photographed are exposed to radiation. The bib feels heavy because it contains lead, and is typically called a lead apron.

Certain metals provide good barriers for protection against radiation, especially sensitive internal organs and tissue. Doctors, nurses, technologists and radiologists are required to wear protective devices whenever taking X-rays. Patients are equally protected and wear lead bibs or other shielding devices to protect regions of the body that are not photographed. Radiation exposure over time could eventually accumulate and cause cancers in body tissue and organs.

Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen was first to discover X-rays in 1895. The accidental discovery soon became a widely used technique in medical science. It allowed medical personnel to perform internal examinations without surgery. X-ray photography is commonly used to examine broken bones and irregular positioning of joints. Chest X-rays could reveal abnormalities, like cancer, in the lungs. Radiologists working with radiation each day would continue to accumulate exposure without proper safety clothing. Lead equipment provides excellent shielding against continued exposure.

Lead is commonly used to produce shielding equipment for technologists and patients. It is a dense metal material, inexpensive and soft enough to bend into various shapes for proper fit. Lead aprons and other shielding equipment are made to protect any body region not intended for X-ray examination. Technologists specializing in medical X-ray photography use a protective apron every time a patient is photographed. Despite a relatively comfortable fit, lead aprons are heavy when worn for extended lengths of time. Current development often includes broad shoulder strap support to relieve stress on the back. Other technological developments include more environmentally-friendly materials that are equally effective, but do not use lead.

Shielding equipment is manufactured in many different sizes and shapes. Each must meet the required specifications to ensure proper protection. A full front style apron usually suffices for most technologists. The front style apron covers all areas in front from the upper chest to knee regions. Maternity style offer full front and back cover for extra protection of developing infants. The bib style is commonly used during X-ray examination of extremities like arms and legs. Other shielding devices offer more localized protection such as a thyroid collar for neck regions.

Nurses, doctors and other medical technologists greatly reduce potential exposure to harmful cancer causing x-radiation using appropriate lead shielding equipment. While present technology is very effective, manufacturers continue to develop safety equipment for better fit and even better protection.

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