Preventing Ovarian Cancer When It Runs In Your Family

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It has been proven that a family history of ovarian cancer greatly increases your risk of also contracting the disease. Although it is as of yet uncertain if there is a genetic link to the disease or if it is merely a genetic predisposition to developing the disease which is passed down and then might be triggered by living choices, external influences, or other such events, paying attention to your family history and its illnesses is crucial.

The first course of action when finding out that such a history exists in your family should be a full physical and also complete gynecological exam to rule out any cancer in your body. Assuming that you are healthy, it is now time to find out how to go about preventing ovarian cancer when it runs in your family. Usually the initial step suggested by your physician will be a genetic test that can give you clues as to your cancer risk with respect to gene mutations you may have inherited.

If you are found to have a genetic predisposition for developing ovarian cancer, preventative measures depend on the number of occurrences in your family. If your risk is considered to be low, then most likely your doctor will prescribe oral contraceptives as a prevention tool. Even if you do not need contraception, these pills will provide the hormonal balancing required and might be preventing ovarian cancer from having an increased likelihood of occurring. Unfortunately, depending on your lifestyle and also your risk factors with respect to breast cancer, there is a chance that the use of oral contraceptives may increase your risk of strokes, heart disease, and also breast cancer development.

Patients who might be at high risk because of their family histories will be counseled to undergo a complete removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes, effectively rendering them sterile. Usually this advice is only given to women who are done having children or who are past the childbearing years, yet in some cases it may be necessary to do so sooner, especially if a family history reveals that ovarian cancer is frequently diagnosed before menopause. Although this is considered a very drastic measure, it is nonetheless a viable method of avoiding the formation of ovarian cancer. Unfortunately, it is not an iron clad guarantee of completely avoiding cancer and there is a chance that other abdominal cancers will still develop. On the upside, women who do undergo the preventive surgery not only lessen their risks of developing ovarian cancer, but they are also greatly reducing their risks of developing breast cancer.

There are no easy answers when it comes to preventing ovarian cancer when it runs in your family and the final decision of course is yours to make. Make sure you know all the fact, understand all the figures, and take some time to think through each of the potential steps of the preventive treatment. Radical surgery might mean giving up a lot, but on the other end it also might mean staying alive whereas otherwise your life might be significantly cut short.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

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* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details


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