Is Green Tea the Miracle Drink Claimed?

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It is quite likely that no other drink is claimed to be as good for you as Green Tea. It is said that the Chinese have been aware of the health benefits for over 4000 years and used Green Tea to cure or relieve a wide range of ailments including headaches and depression.

In modern times and especially over the last 20 years or so a considerable amount of research has concentrated on examining the health claims of the Tea in Asia and across the western world.

Green Tea has large quantities of catechin polypheno l s, especially epigallocatechin gallate whose abbreviation is EGCG. EGCG is an anti-oxidant of considerable power. EGCG is said to not only inhibit the growth of some cancer cells but actually kills cancer cells whilst leaving healthy tissue untouched. It has also proved to be an effective reducer of LDL cholesterol levels. EGCG also inhibits the abnormal formation of blood clots which is a leading cause of strokes and heart attacks.

Many modern dieticians recommend Green Tea as part of weight loss programme. Studies by the university of Geneva in Switzerland showed that men given Green Tea extract and caffeine burned more calories than those given caffeine alone or a placebo.

So what sets Green Tea apart from oolong and Black teas, after - all they come from the same plant, Camellia s inesis? Well , it is down to the way that the tea is processed. Black and Oolong tea leaves are fermented, this results in the EGCG being converted into other compounds whereas Green tea leaves are not fermented and this means the EGCG is not oxidised.

Drinking Green Tea helps avoid insomnia, this is due to the very low caffeine content . The caffeine content of White teas (produced in the same way as green teas but picked when the the leaf buds are very young and downy white) are significantly lower than levels contained in standard green teas. Green teas have around one seventh of the caffeine content of instant coffee and around one fourteenth of that of ground coffee.

Research indicated that Green Tea is especially effective at combating the natural effects of aging. This is due to the high concentration of flavanols, a group of antioxidant polphenols, of which tea is noted to contain more than any other plant. Green Tea is particularly rich in bioactive catechins which are very effective at combating free radicals which are the cause of cell oxidation within the body.

Green Tea's effect upon free radicals has suggested another notable benefit - its ability to reduce the risk of breast cancer. This is in addition to the general anti-cancer benefits of tea in lessening the risk of such cancers in the lung, colon and skin.

One benefit of Green Tea that is becoming increasingly appreciated is its ability to strengthen the body's general immune system with the polyphenols present within its antioxidants over one hundred times more powerful than vitamins C or E.

Furthermore, there are many different types of Green Tea from China, Japan and even Darjeeling that are increasingly popular for their wonderful and diverse character in the cup - beautiful teas that are produced in traditional ways. With all these benefits now becoming more evident it is clear that Green Tea is indeed a small and inexpensive miracle that is available to all!

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