Could Vitiman D Deficency Affect My Trying to Conceive

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I met this couple awhile back who had been trying to get pregnant for over a year. The fact that results weren't happening left them discouraged and upset. It just so happens, vitamin D deficiency was in the news during that time and they decided to ask their primary care physician about it. When both of them were checked they both had low counts. So they started getting out in the sun more, eating foods with higher vitamin D counts, and took healthy doses of fermented cod liver oil. In 3 months time they were pregnant!

When you're trying to conceive, vitamin D protects against these issues:

* Infertility*Obesity*Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)*Diabetes*Autoimmune diseases*Radiation sickness
Did you know low vitamin D is associated with infertility? It actually supports the production of estrogen in men and women. It is also considered one of the critical solutions to making your hormones. It's also true that the issues above can affect your ability to conceive.

Hashimoto's disease is an autoimmune issue that also affects fertility. This is especially true when it causes hypothyroid. So take the time to figure out whether or not you're vitamin D is at a healthy level. It could be the main reason you can't conceive a child. Plus, it's a great way to protect the body from radiation sickness, which also affects fertility.

There are 3 ways to get vitamin D:

1) Sunshine and Vitamin D
Anytime the body is out in the sun it makes D. Keep in mind, latitudes above 30 degrees can't make enough during the winter months. There are also other issues like clouds, aerosol and ozone pollution, or reflective surfaces that contribute to the overall issues. If you have darker skin it will be harder to make vitamin D. Wearing sunscreen is important, but it also prevents synthesis.

Another thing to remember is you don't want to get a sunburn. Since this is associated with skin cancer you should expose yourself gradually. A natural and safe approach is the best way to get vitamin D. If you're worried about getting too much D, the body can protect this from happening.

2) Vitamin D Foods
Fermented Cod Liver OilLard (pig fat)HerringOystersWater-packed sardinesFishEgg yolksButterLiverPorkBlood sausage
One thing to understand is you have to get your source of vitamin D from food where the animals were raised in sunlight. Either that or they consume it in their natural diet.

If you want to get your source of vitamin D fast then fermented cod liver oil is the best choice. You also get vitamin A as well. It has the highest nutrient content and has a way to prevent from destroying the natural vitamins. However, the problem here is getting too much A and not enough D.

3) Vitamin D Supplement
Talk with your physician and take their advice on proper supplementation. They will probably give you a calcidiol test, which is also called 25-hydroxyvitamin D or 25(OH) D. Your levels should be somewhere between 40 or 50 ng/mL.
How much do you need?

* Three to four thousand IU every day. Make sure it's D3 and not D2.* Leading researchers recommend this amount* This has been known for thousands of years thanks to traditional cultures and studies.* Your overall needs will revolve around several factors.

It's important to get a good dose of fat soluble vitamins in your diet. This will prevent vitamin D toxicity, which means A, E, and K2 will be present. Any food high in vitamin D usually has the other 3 as well. Some of them we haven't even been able to identify yet. The end result is a more vibrant body and a healthier you. The point is; don't take D3 alone.

We will say, you need to be careful about supplementing the body with vitamin D. You also don't want to consume too much of it, because it can cause liver and/or kidney failure. Other issues like tuberculosis, lymphoma, sarcoidosis, or hyperparathyroidism could occur as well. Discuss this with your physician and ask any questions about it.

If you take the time to look over your vitamin D levels then it can definitely support your fertility. It will also help you prevent other diseases from forming such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and several other problems down the road. When you have better levels your mind will have improved mental clarity, your mood will be better, you won't get sick as much, and your aches or pains will diminish.

To Your Vibrant Health!

Veronica Tilden, DO

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