Roseola: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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The illness Roseola usually occurs in children before the age of two, which is normally considered to be a harmless phase. The symptoms frequently include a fever accompanied by a rash that can get uncomfortable for the child. The cause as such is manifested by the herpes virus and gets transmitted through saliva. The little one can be subjected to the germs with a kiss or through puffs of air on his or her face. There are not many solutions to the illness, except to check with the doctor to rule out the fact that it is measles or anything worse.

Causes and Symptoms

As cited above, the actual cause of this illness is via transmission through the salivary glands. Since the sickness is highly contagious, it is best to keep the little one away from the rest of the crowd. Symptoms are usually high fever that goes up from 101 to 105 degrees F accompanied by a runny nose, tummy upset translating into mild diarrhea, listlessness, cough, loss of appetite and a grumpy manner. Rash usually appears after a couple of days, so parents / guardians invariably have to wait it out while keeping themselves up-to-date on the symptoms. Usually the fever goes on for a while and when it subsides a pink spotty rash appears, most often on the chest, tummy and then the neck, face and other areas. This eventually disappears after a couple of days, but only after proper care and medication.

Treating the Illness

Treatment would depend on how long the fever has been going on with the baby. Parents never take a chance when it comes to their young ones, and if it does not subside, it is best to meet with the doctor. The first approach is to deal with the symptoms on hand. After medication, if it subsides, then well and good. Most doctors usually conduct a test to rule out other illnesses, along with the treatment. It is a good thing to keep in touch with the pediatrician in case the fever or rash persists, as he/she will have a solution to the problem. During treatment it is best to keep the little one in comfortable clothes that are not too tight or synthetic. Fresh air is always welcome and a little sun and breeze instead of a fan, cooler or air conditioner is a better approach. It has been noticed that Paracetemol or Ibrufen for infants works for the child, under medical guidance of course. This is in case the child needs immediate attention and the parent is unable to reach the doctor.

Points to Ponder

There is a question as to whether this illness can get transferred to an adult who cares for the child. As a general 'rule' this is not possible, unless the caretaker's immune system is the worse for wear, as in a person recovering from cancer, etc. But on an average, everyone after the age of four or five has antibodies that repel the virus. However, from the point of view of an expectant mother, it is best to inform the gynecologist so that the individual is treated immediately.

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