Essential Oils and Cancer: A Review of Published Scientific Studies

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More Folks Turning to Natural Medicines than Ever Before
The medical uses of essential oils are being validated almost daily by scientific investigators around the world, and one of the most important arenas is in anticancer research. The practical medical use of essential oils and aromatherapy is gaining a foothold in the US, as the population turns to natural medicine -- seeing that the conventional medical system is in such a quandary. Many people are loosing faith in technology for much of the healing it originally promised. While highly effective at trauma medicine, in the realm of infectious diseases, degenerative illnesses, and cancer, modern medicine is turning out to have costs that far and away outweigh its benefits. Please don't take us wrong -- many, many people have had their lives saved and drastically improved by modern treatments, but evidence is mounting that the eschewing of plant based medicine has not been to the patients best interests.
Scientifically Backed Medicinal Actions of Essential Oils
Research into the area of medicinal applications of essential oils has been significant in recent years. Many oils have been proven to have significant antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal action. Now, the body of evidence of essential oils being strongly anti-tumorial, with specific anti-cancer action is growing, too. A search of Pub Med, the National Institute of Health's online research database produces 391 results for the search 'essential oils cancer' and 444 results for 'essential oil tumor'. MANY of the studies show a direct correlation in tumor and cancer cell line eradication with the use of essential oils. A great many have conclusions that indicate the studies results warrant further investigation of essential oils for the development of accepted therapies. Here's a review of some very promising results:
Anticancer Action of Frankincense
Frankincense has had a place in medicine for as long as medical practices have been documented. The resin from these stout trees of Africa and the Middle East is highly revered for its curative and preventative action (with many spiritual uses as well). In 2009, the journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine published a studied that outright said Frankincense essential oil kills cancer cells while sparing normal, healthy cells. The oil distilled from the tree's resin acted specifically on bladder cancer cells, with the study concluding that Frankincense might represent and alternative agent for treatment. Odd that the mainstream media has not made much of this finding -- it took a subscription to these abstracts for many interested parties to be notified -- otherwise it easily could have gone unnoticed! Frankincense essential oil is well known to be non-toxic, with many people able to put the oil directly on their skin, and even ingest the oil in small quantities without any negative response. Though it can induce cell death with incredible specificity, a feature that absolutely suggests further investigation should be performed -- hopefully the medical establishment will agree.
Lemongrass Essential Oil Normalizes Apoptotic Process
The oil distilled from the leaves of Lemongrass, an herb with a long medicinal history itself, also shows similar action. In an evaluation of the essential oil from the Lemongrass species Cymbopogon flexuosus, the oil was found cytotoxic to a number of cancer cell types, and was active particularly in affecting that 'hallmark of cancer cells', the 'dysregulation of apoptosis' -- the natural process of cell death. One study concluded "The easy and abundant availability of the oil combined with its suggested mechanism of cytotoxicity make CFO (Lemongrass Oil) highly useful in the development of anti-cancer therapeutics". Inexpensive, easy to make, and effective: virtues of all of Nature's finest medicines!
The Sweet Chemical Linalool Anti-Cancer Action
Another groundbreaking study revealed the potential efficacy of a component of many essential oils. The study suggests the potential for one very common constituent can destroy liver cancer cells at very low concentrations -- it may be possible then that an essential oil with similar properties found in one's own region of the planet can have these same effects, offering the same healing or protective action without needing 'exotic' medicines to do so. The chemical 'linaolool' lends itself to the sweetness of many aromatics. The higher the linalool concentration in Lavender oil, for example, the sweeter it will be. So this constituent of so many essential oils completely eradicated a liver cancer cell line in a very, very low dilution. The constituent decreased the activity of metabolic pathways producing ATP in the cell, essentially killing the cancer cells by cutting of their energy production. While the study did not conclude anything about further investigation (or not), it was profoundly interesting for those regularly using essential oils in their lives. These folks will naturally absorb the amounts of linalool used in the study in their daily inhalation or topical application of oils, perhaps invoking a protective effect for themselves and their families...this would certainly be an interesting piece of research!
Sandalwood and Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is a major concern for many folks, and a series of studies have shown Sandalwood to be effective at preventing tumor development. Alpha-santalol, a component also shown to have anti-anxiety and sleep enhancing action, may be the constituent to which most of these effects may be attributed. This is fortunate, as Sandalwood from India is becoming more rare and expensive, though Sandalwood from Australia and other South Pacific islands is still readily available. A study published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention, a formula used for containing just 5% Sandalwood essential oil used before exposure to toxins significantly reduced the formation of skin cancer tumors. A study published in January 2008 in the Journal of Anitcancer Research showed a significant reduction in tumor development in skin exposed to UVB radiation -- Sandalwood would make an excellent addition to a pre-sun body or face care formula.
Protective Action of the Spice Oils
The common spice oils of Thyme and Oregano have large concentrations of constituents that have been shown to protect human DNA from damage. Alteration through chemical and radiation exposure of our DNA is thought to be one of the primary causes of tumor development. Considered to be common essential oil constituents, exposure to both Carvacrol and Thymol lead to cells being significantly more resistant to DNA damage from exposure to hydrogen peroxide (a potent oxidative chemical). A similar study investigated this effect specifically on human lymphocytes (white blood cells) with the same results. The oil from the spice Turmeric has been the subject of many studies, not only examining its anti-tumor action, but elucidating the specific chemical pathways though which this action occurs. Many other 'spice' oils have been the subject of similar studies, indicating that these spices that have for so long played a part in the cuisines and cultures of the world also have played a role in the health of mankind. The essential oils of these spices offer highly-concentrated, easily absorbed preparations of these plants, with significant therapeutic potential.
Transitioning to Effective Natural Medicines
Beyond the direct effects on tumor cells, essential oils have been shown to positively effect the immune system on a chemical level. They can enhance the activity of white blood cells, making them more efficient and removing foreign material and microbes from the body. This would likely result in more effective cancer outcomes. Futher, there's the psychological component of any disease, and many essential oils have demonstrated anti-stress activity in scientific investigations. So, like many plant medicines, essential oils work on a number of levels for many diseases, with cancer being one of them. While its important to recognize that essential oil use is in-fact contra-indicated during chemotherapy (as they may reduce the cytotoxic effects of the treatment), they can certainly be an integral part of any cancer preventative protocol. For any application where an individual has already been diagnosed with the illness, it is important to check with their physician to ensure essential oils and aroma-medicine is an appropriate choice. The overall picture is very bright for the use of essential oils in cancer treatment, and further investigation is certainly warranted by the scientific and medical communities for the development of effective medical protocols for this profoundly life-altering condition.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details


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