The Side Effects Of Splenda

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For many years people have been told that artificial sweeteners such as aspartame are dangerous and have adverse health effects. But when Splenda, a sucralose based sweetener hit the market in 1999 consumers were offered an alternative to aspartame. With Splenda side effects resulting from chemically created artificial sweeteners became a thing of the past.

Because sucralose is said to be made from regular sugar, consumers felt that they were being offered a safe alternative to aspartame. A product made from natural sugar could not possibly be harmful. However, recent studies have shown that sucralose is not as safe as we think.

Sucralose is a chemical product. The safest and healthiest foods and food products that you can put in your body are always going to be natural, from the Earth. Natural sugar, calories and all, is better for you that sucralose.

Sucralose is a chlorocarbon, a chlorinated compound. Chlorine is not harmful in small amounts when combined with other elements that you ingest naturally. However, researchers found that one quarter of the chemicals found in sucralose are absorbed into the body through the digestive system. This means that there is no way of knowing exactly how much chlorine is being introduced to your bloodstream when you consume sucralose.

There have been no long term studies regarding the effects of consuming sucralose over an extended amount of time. The tests that have been administered by sucralose manufacturers in the past are not considered to be all that reliable because of the short term length of the studies and because there has not really been a controlled study involving humans. However, tests that have been administered recently by independent researchers indicate that because of the chemicals and chlorocarbons contained in sucralose, the potential for toxicity and poisoning are real.

The chemicals in sucralose have been shown to cause side effects in humans. Mild afflictions include weight gain, trouble sleeping, and sexual dysfunction. Researchers have also discovered a correlation between sucralose consumption and an increased risk of cancer and Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, diabetes, and other serious health disorders. While there is not concrete proof that consuming sucralose can cause a person to develop something like cancer, there is a risk.

The bottom line is that when you ingest chemicals by consuming chemical sweeteners or other chemically processed foods, you run the risk of exposing your body to dangerous toxins that can make you ill. Again, the best foods that you can put into your body are natural foods that come from the Earth. Of course, living in a society where people are bombarded by ads for food products claiming to be better for you or lower in calories and fat because they have been processed makes it difficult to determine which foods are actually good for you and which foods will, in the long run, cause you more harm than good.

The best thing you can do is to use common sense when selecting what you are going to put into your body. While it seems like a good idea to have sweet treats without the added calories, products like sucralose can still be a danger.

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