Esophageal Cancer Treatment Success Rates

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The patients suffering from esophageal cancer will have very low survival rates and the rate of survival goes on decreasing day by day and stage by stage. As the treatment for esophageal cancer has increased in recent times, the rate of survival has also increased slightly. There are four stages in esophageal cancer and the mortality rate of the patient decreases stage by stage.

The cancerous cell growth will start initially from inside the esophagus and later spreads outwards. Due to this, the survival rate of the patients affected goes on decreasing day by day with every passing stage and also the ailment gets more severe. Though the treatment may be provided in every stage, the survival rate of the patient in last of final stage is zero.

The survival rate depends on the treatment and treatment decision is influenced by many factors. In the initial stage (stage zero), cancerous cells are confined only to innermost layers or epithelium and the survival rate is 70%. In the next stage (first stage), the cancerous cell will invade and go beyond the epithelium to sub mucosa and the survival rate is 60%.

In second stage initially the cell spread further and invades the muscular layer of the esophagus and probably even the adventitia. The survival rate is 40% in this. Later in second stage, the cells spread beyond the epithelium and survival rate is 20%. In the third stage which is also called as locally advanced cancer, the adventitia is invaded and it spreads further to nearby lymph nodes or even to nearby organs and the survival rate is 15%.

In the final stage (last stage or fourth stage), initially the cells will spread to distant lymph nodes and the survival rate is 15%. Later in final stage, the cells will spread to other organs and the survival rate is only 5%. Though there are many treatments available, the last stage patient's survival rate cannot be increased.

If the diagnosis of esophageal cancer presence is made earlier, then there are many chances of increased survival rate. But if the diagnoses process is delayed, then the treatment is delayed as well as the survival rate decreases for the patient.

If the patient is in the initial, first or second stage, then their chances of survival can be increased by treatment. But if the patient is in third stage, then it is quite difficult to recover from esophageal cancer. If the patient is in the last or fourth stage, then it is impossible to treat them and survival chances are very less.

The success rate mainly depends on the treatment method, patient's health condition, the recovery speed of the patient, food habits and life style (both before and after the surgery) etc. Even after performing surgery for esophageal cancer, the mortality rate is not much reduced. The mortality rate of esophagectomy is 2 percent to 6 percent when high volume units are given.

The patients with early tumors limited to mucosa 5 year survival rates can exceed 80%. Patients who are free of lymph node metastases have 5 year survival of 60%, whereas survival decreases to 20% in patients who have cancer in lymph nodes.

Natural Remedies:

There are certain natural remedies that offer a promising cure for esophageal cancer. Along with the natural remedies and a well-researched different diet pattern, a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle can make a huge difference to your efforts for prolonging the life for several years. You can increase your chances of surviving esophagus cancer now by trying these proven natural remedies discussed in

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Testicular Cancer Symptoms

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Testicular cancer is relatively uncommon and affects only one percent of men. It usually strikes men between the ages of 16 and 40 and there are about 8000 cases per year in the United States. Many of the cases of testicular cancer have reached the incurable stages because people are not aware of the symptoms and the symptoms were ignored. It is very important that you understand the symptoms of cancer so that you can know what to look for.

Testicular cancer symptoms are often detected during a physical by a doctor when they are examining the testicles. Men can also do their own test and examination to look for any kind of growth or lumps. The swelling that is found is often painless, but any kind of abnormal lump should be seen by the doctor. Some of the other symptoms of cancer in the testicles include continuous pain in the scrotum or in the testicles. Usually the pain is mild in the early stages and can cause some discomfort. Enlargement of the testicle should also be watched for and there may be a heavy feeling in the area.

People who suffer from testicular cancer symptoms may also experience a mild body ache in the groin or back. They may also notice some unusual fluid in the scrotum. If anyone is experiencing these kind of symptoms it is very important that they see their doctor right away to detect any cancer and do the tests that are needed. You can also learn more about the common symptoms and treatments of testicular cancer through online. This web site can provide you with additional information that is important to recognizing the symptoms of cancer.

Often the symptoms of testicular cancer go ignored and people do not always know that the symptoms that they feel are part of the testicular cancer, so it is important to get a physical from your doctor if you are experiencing any of the common symptoms, or if you notice any kind of abnormal growth around the testicles. You can also do examinations yourself to try to detect the cancer early on. There are treatments available for testicular cancer and can be more effective if it is caught early on. Make sure that you learn about the different symptoms of testicular cancer and that you talk to your doctor about any symptoms that you may be having. Learn about what you should be looking for and what you can do if you find any kind of abnormal growth or symptom and be sure to see your doctor right away for testing and to see if it can be detected early to be able to be treated.

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Antarctica Revealed

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The continent of Antarctica is truly unique, with its breathtaking beauty it still can be incredibly ruthless to anyone who tries to dominate it. War has never touched this pristine continent, keeping it pure. This is hard to believe when you realize that it is larger than Europe and America combined.

It is true that many men have died here, but these deaths were do to the brutal conditions on the continent. The weather is so cold that virtually no germs can survive here.

No other continent has seen such differing views on faith and politics work together so flawlessly. All of this happening only inches away from temperatures reaching 100 degrees below zero. People who live in Antarctica never need to worry about gaining weight.

They can consume four hearty meals a day and never gain an ounce. This is do to the fact that the extreme cold uses up more calories than the body could on any diet.

Antarctica is often said to be the home of the "big eye." This is due to the fact that many people who live here suffer from insomnia in the summer months since the sun never goes down, causing people to not be able to sleep, even at 3 a.m.

Where else, other than Antarctica, would you find the most elite club on the planet, the "300 Degree Club?" Even though Antarctica has the cheapest bars in the world on the South Pole, where no matter what your drinking be it top shelf or simple beer, it's all the same price.

But a single night of drinking can be a massive bill. The nights are extremely long between the months of April and September.

A shield of 9000 foot of ice moves across the Antarctic heartland, this chunk of ice might have enough fuel in it to power the whole world. What few laws there are in Antarctica, are definitely different - they don't extradite criminals, and anyone who would consider hiding out in nine million square miles of open, broad valleys, or in 15,000 ft. ranges of mountains, would have a tough time staying alive more than a few hours in what is the most incredible vicious environment in the world.

Even so, Antarctica has the smallest crime rate of any country or nation out there. It could be the spot of the perfect crime, but if anyone has been murdered, it is a crime which has not been prosecuted. Antarctica has no extradition treaties or any laws which enforce murder statutes anywhere on the continent.

While 10 nations have flags flying over this amazing continent, no nation calls any of the continent's real estate its own. There has not been a single attempt by any nation to try and form some type of permanent colony here. Even so, some of the most brilliant minds and best technology resides here.

Even though most of the residents aren't not permanent members of it's society, they have the highest IQ in the world. Due to the many scientists who live and work there, the college degrees can often outnumber high school diplomas. Plus, there is more scientific talent here than you would find at any university.

In addition to all this brain power, there is more peaceful research done here than in any capital in the world. This southern land is the only place where firing nuclear bombs is completely restricted.

The environmental laws on the planet are in effect in Antarctica. Specific licensing is necessary to harvest animals which were subject to slaughter a brief century past by whalers and sealers. Today's Antarctica has become a the playground for pure scientific research, and the scientists involved work very hard to keep it in a pristine condition.

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46 Fascinating Facts About Ultra Violet Light and Radiation

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Wikipedia describes UV (Ultra Violet) Light as electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength shorter than that of visible light but longer than soft x-rays. It is called ultra violet because the spectrum consists of electromagnetic waves with frequencies higher than those that humans identify as the colour violet.
Below are 46 fascinating facts relating to UV light and radiation that I have compiled.

1- UV light can damage the human skin.

2- UV light or phototherapy vitiligo treatment can help create repigmentation.

3- Possible eye damage can result from high doses of UV light, particularly to the cornea which is a good absorber of UV light.

4- High doses of UV light can cause a temporary clouding of the cornea; called 'snow-blindness' and chronic doses have been tentatively linked to the formation of cataracts.

5- A Pinguecula or a Pterygium both growths on the eye, may be caused by UV light exposure.

6- UV light can exert deleterious effects on melanin.

7- Many things that are invisible to the human eye become visible under UV light.

8- Sun tanning describes a darkening of the skin (especially of fair-skinned individuals) in a natural physiological response stimulated by exposure to ultraviolet radiation from sunshine (or a sunbed).

9- UVA rays are primarily absorbed within the lens of the human eye, though there are no documented disorders of the human eye from UVA.

10- A positive effect of UVB exposure is that it induces the production of vitamin D in the skin.

11- UVA, UVB and UVC can all damage collagen fibres and thereby accelerate aging of the skin.

12- Both UVA and UVB destroy vitamin A in skin which may cause further damage.

13- In general, UVA is the least harmful but can contribute to the aging of skin, DNA damage and possibly skin cancer. UVB rays are the ones that burn the skin and can damage the eyes.

14- There are also naturally occurring compounds found in rainforest plants that have been known to protect the skin from UV radiation damage, such as the fern Phlebodium Aureum.

15- New snow can reflect up to 80% of ultraviolet rays, according to the World Health Organization, while normal ground surfaces and bodies of water tend to reflect less than 10%.

16- Mountaineers are exposed to higher than ordinary levels of UV radiation, both because there is less atmospheric filtering and because of reflection from snow and ice.

17- Ultraviolet (UV) light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength shorter than that of visible light, but longer than soft X-rays.

18- Ultraviolet is colloquially called black light, as it is invisible to the human eye.

19- UV light systems produce ultraviolet radiation falling into one to three UV bands: UVA, UVB and UVC.

20- Wavelengths of UV light in the range of 200 to 280 nm have been demonstrated to effectively inactivate bacteria and viruses due to DNA mutations induced by the absorption of UV light by DNA molecules.

21- Longwave UV light (315nm to 400nm), or UV-A, refers to what we commonly call 'black light'.

22- Germicidal UV light (200nm to 280nm), or UV-C, is effective in microbial control.

23- UVC rays are the highest energy, most dangerous type of ultraviolet light.

24- Scientists have divided the ultraviolet part of the spectrum into three regions: the near ultraviolet, the far ultraviolet, and the extreme ultraviolet.

25- The three regions are distinguished by how energetic the ultraviolet radiation is and by the 'wavelength' of the ultraviolet light, which is related to energy. The near ultraviolet, abbreviated NUV, is the light closest to optical or visible light. The extreme ultraviolet, abbreviated EUV, is the ultraviolet light closest to X-rays and is the most energetic of the three types. The far ultraviolet, abbreviated FUV, lies between the near and extreme ultraviolet regions.

26- Scientists have developed a UV index to help people protect themselves from these harmful ultraviolet waves.

27- UV light is also an essential tool in thin-layer chromatography (TLC), a process that chemists use to identify the components in a mixture.

28- Many polymers used in consumer products are degraded by UV light and need addition of UV stabilisers to inhibit attack.

29- Polymers exposed to UV light will oxidize thus raising the surface energy of the polymer.

30- Cystine, methionine and aromatic amino acids can be destroyed by UV light.

31- Ultraviolet levels are over 1,000 times higher at the equator than at the polar regions so it is presumed that marine life at the equator are much better adapted to the higher environmental UV light than organisms in the polar regions.

32- Apple juice or cider is treated with UV light to reduce the levels of microbial pathogens.

33- UV light can be used to pasteurise fruit juices by flowing the juice over a high intensity ultraviolet light source.

34- UV light has been proven for decades to effectively disinfect air, surfaces and water.

35- UV light can destroy many types of virus, mould and bacteria.

36- Ultraviolet radiation is used in several food processes to remove unwanted microorganisms.

37- Many fruits, flowers and seeds stand out more strongly from the background in ultraviolet wavelengths as compared to human colour vision.

38- Many birds have patterns in their plumage that are invisible at usual wavelengths but observable in ultraviolet and the urine and other secretions of some animals, including dogs, cats, and human beings, is much easier to spot with ultraviolet.

39- The urine of many species of rodent strongly reflects ultraviolet light.

40- Ultraviolet light is generated predominantly by hot, young massive stars.

41- The Sun emits ultraviolet radiation in the UVA, UVB, and UVC bands, but because of absorption in the atmosphere's ozone layer, 99% of the ultraviolet radiation that reaches the Earth's surface is UVA.

42- Humidity may increase the effects of UV light.

43- Ultraviolet Light Absorbers (UVAs) are molecules used in organic materials (polymers, paints, etc).

44- Ultraviolet traps are used to eliminate various small flying insects.

45- Ultraviolet lamps are used to sterilize workspaces and tools used in biology laboratories and medical facilities.

46- UV lights have been installed in some parts of the world in public toilets and on public transport, for the purpose of deterring substance abuse.

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Early Signs of Throat Cancer

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Despite the bad odor that clings to the very notion of cancer because of its incurable nature, cancer can be treated in its initial stage. Throat cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer and over 25,000 Americans are diagnosed with throat cancer every year. The root cause of cancer can be traced to excessive smoking and drinking. Certain pollutants also accelerate the growth of tumors on the larynx or pharynx. Some people are sensitive to certain pollutants and if these people work in places where the presence of the particular pollutant in the air is dominant, they expose themselves to the risk of contracting throat cancer.

Early Indications of Throat Cancer

There are certain signs that come to the surface in the early stages of throat cancer. These signs, if ignored, can spell disaster for the concerned person and it is therefore important to take these signs seriously and go to a doctor at the earliest.

Sore Throat

Sore throat is one of the most common problems that people around the world confront with every year. Sore throat can easily be cured in less than a week and under such circumstances you have nothing to worry about. However if the throat does not respond to medication and the soreness continues for an elongated period of time, it can be labeled as an early sign of throat cancer. Often people feel a lump in the throat that wouldn't fade away and if such a lump has been bothering someone for more than a week and a half, it is advisable to get in touch with a doctor as soon as possible.


Some people often suffer from sinus problems and it is hard to tell the difference between sinus in general and sinus as a sign of cancer but if an individual has been experiencing frequent headaches, neck pain and congestion repeatedly and the antibiotics seem to be as effective as iota, it is time for the concerned person to get in touch with a doctor.

Facial Paralysis

Some people experience facial paralysis or numbness in the face when throat cancer starts to build up. Severe neck pains and migraine attacks have also been branded as early symptoms of cancer. Physical changes on the neck and face are clearly visible in a person who has just stepped into the identity of a patient suffering with throat cancer.

Hoarse Voice and Other Signs

Hoarseness in the voice is a clear sign of laryngeal cancer. Early signs of throat cancer can be characterized by strained voice, raspy breathing and a hoarse voice. The harsh voice comes into picture as a result of tumor in the larynx. At times, changes in the voice are noticeable in an obvious way and under such circumstances the concerned person should push the panic button at once. Some other common symptoms include swelling in the eye, enlarged lymph, excessive cough and weight loss. In most cases of throat cancer, antibiotics and other medicines do not have any positive effect on these problems and these problems stay with the person for a long time. It is recommended to go to a doctor if these problems do not go away for more than a week and a half.

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Prostate Cancer Symptoms - What They Are

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Men would not know they have prostate cancer unless the symptoms start showing. Especially during the early stages, this disease is almost free of prostate cancer symptoms. That is what makes it extra dangerous because nobody can treat it early unless it gets detected early, too. So, a regular checkup is recommended especially for men aged 50 years and up.

The most effective way to detect the cancer is through the measurement of the prostate-specific antigen or PSA. This is a protein serum that is naturally produced by the prostate gland. Normal men have small amounts of this in their prostates. Cancer cells in the prostate can produce 10 times more PSA and so, the excess gets into the bloodstream and therefore can be measured through blood test. When PSA is high, there may not be any prostate cancer symptoms, but there could be something wrong with the prostate.

The prostate cancer symptoms appear depending on the severity of the cancer or how far is it has spread. The early signs of this cancer involve a lot of problems concerning the urinary tract and urination.

When the prostate tumor grows, it blocks the bladder and causes an obstruction. The tissue that surrounds the prostate will prevent it from expanding further and that prompts the prostate gland to put some pressure on the urethra. Take note though, that a lot of the urinary symptoms may not root from the cancer, but from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or other infections on the prostate.

About 5 percent of prostate cancer patients showed urinary problems as their first prostate cancer symptoms. These urinary symptoms are:

- Difficulty in urinating
- Starting and stopping of urination
- Weak stream
- Strained feeling while urinating

Cancerous signs include blood in the urine or blood in the semen. If the cancer has already reached the lymph nodes in the pelvic area, the man will experience inflammation in the legs and extreme discomfort in the pelvis. Advanced stages will exhibit the following prostate canter symptoms:

Pain in the bones that just would not stop
Fractures in the bones
Spine gets compressed

Aside from the prostate cancer symptoms, it will help to know who are most prone to getting the diseases. The risk factors for prostate cancer are age, ethnicity, family history, diet, and high levels of testosterone.

Men aged 50 up are likely to develop prostate cancer that is why they are touted to undergo PSA tests regularly. For some reason, ethnicity is also a risk factor. A lot of black men have higher risk of getting the prostate cancer cells. Now, if your father, brother, or grandfather has prostate cancer, the chances are great that you will also develop it.

Obese men and those that have high-fat diets are also prone to getting prostate cancer. Scientists theorize that fats help increase the levels of testosterone in men. These hormones are the ones that stimulate the cancer cells more than anything, so prostate cancer is highly possible. Since high levels of testosterone enhance the production of the cancer cells and the growth of the prostate gland, those who are undergoing testosterone therapies are in danger of developing the prostate cancer symptoms.

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How to treat Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma using Epoch Chemotherapy?

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Chemotherapy is the chemical treatment to treat cancer in its advanced stages when there are equal chances of life or death. The epoch chemotherapy is used for treating complicated cancers. It is normally used when the malignancies and tumors are worsened and get complicated due to other health conditions. The chemotherapy is the chemical procedure and has some side effects. The chemotherapy side effects take an adverse toll on the body of the patient.

The epoch chemotherapy includes the blend and mixture of different toxic drugs. The harmful drugs included in the chemotherapy are Etoposide, doxorubicin, cincristine, prednisone and cyclo-phosphamide. The epoch chemotherapy effectively deals with the large tumors by shrinking the size of these tumors. As the size of tumors is reduced, it becomes easy to remove them with the help of surgery.

In the Non-Hodgkin lymphoma treatment the chemotherapy drugs are injected in the body of the patient in combination with intravenous (IV) bolus cyclo-phosphamideand oral prednisone for at least four days. When this treatment was given to 74 patients, their immune system did not respond to the injected drugs, but surprisingly it responded in the patients with fatal Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. After treating the patients with epoch chemotherapy, medical tests were performed and the results were found. Results showed that the patients who were in the fourth stage of Lymphoma comprised of 77% patients and about 71% of patients responded to Non-Hodgkin lymphoma treatment. About 92% patients were injected with four drugs. .

Side Effects of Epoch Chemotherapy Treatment:

The epoch chemotherapy is given for treating complicated cancers. The treatment involves injecting the combination of harmful drugs into the body of the patient. These toxic drugs have many side effects on the human body. These chemicals help to kill the cancerous cells in the body, but they also reduce the healthy body cells. Hence, it is important to give this treatment to the patient after studying his family history and knowing whether any person in their family was allergic to any toxic drug.

The common chemotherapy side effects observed in patients are nausea, loss of appetite, depression, hair loss, etc. Some patients become resistant to the injection of these drugs in the epoch chemotherapy treatment.

The drugs used in the treatment for Non-Hodgkin lymphoma by epoch chemotherapy may cause neutropenia and gastrointestinal disorders in the patients.

How does Chemotherapy Work?

Chemotherapy works by killing the fast growing cells in human body with the use of some chemicals. There are some other useful fat growing cells in our body like RBCs, WBCs, hair cells, etc. The chemo treatment destroys these cells too. Hence it is important to perform the process in combination with other drugs and after taking great precautions.

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Hematuria Causes, Symptoms And Treatment for Blood In The Urine

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Hematuria or blood in the urine is a condition of red blood cells in the urine. It can be termed as either microscopic or gross hematuria. In microscopic, three to five red blood cells are present per high field power when it is viewed under magnification. Gross hematuria is which is visible and can vary in appearance from light to dark red clots. The cause and treatments of the two types of this condition are normally the same.

Hematuria Causes The causes of blood in urine can be due to leakage of blood cells in urine from the kidneys or other parts of the urinary tract. The urinary tract consists of kidneys, ureters, urethra and bladder. The kidneys help in eliminating the waste and excess fluid from the body in the form of urine. This urine passes through the ureters to the bladder where it is stored till it is passed through the urethra. The causes of blood in urine can be any of the following:

1. Urinary Tract Infections: This infection is common in women and occurs when a bacteria enters the body and multiplies in the bladder. The symptoms of this condition can include pain and burning while urinating and blood in urine.

2. Kidney Stones: Minerals in the urine crystallize to form small hard deposits in the kidney called kidney stones. These stones can cause extreme pain and can result in gross or microscopic hematuria.

3. Bladder Stones: The crystallization of minerals present in urine in the bladder form stones. Bladder stones can cause blood in urine.

4. Kidney Infection: When bacteria enter the kidney, it can result in kidney infection. The symptoms can be pain, fever and passing of blood in the urine.

5. Kidney Injury: Injury to the kidney from an accident can result in bloody urine.

6. Medications: Hematuria can result due to certain medications.

7. Cancer: One of the symptoms of cancer of kidney, prostate or bladder may be visible urinary bleeding.

8. Exercises: Strenuous exercising or intense workouts can cause gross hematuria.

Hematuria Symptoms - Symptoms of hematuria can be visible signs of pink or red colored urine which is the presence of the red blood cells. The bleeding may not be painful, but passing of blood clots may cause pain. Sometimes the blood may not be even visible and can be only seen under a microscope. Red color urine can also be due to certain foods or medications. If caused by other reasons, it should be shown to a doctor.

Hematuria Treatment - Hematuria has no specific treatment since the underlying medical condition has to be treated in order to cure the condition of blood in the urine. The treatments can be:

1. Antibiotics may be prescribed for a urinary tract infection.

2. Surgery may be required to remove the kidney stones in your body. In some cases, the stones are passed out by drinking plenty of water or by first breaking them down.

3. Kidney infections and related diseases need to be treated to reduce inflammation and limit the damage to the kidneys.

4. Surgery and chemotherapy may be required to remove the cancerous tissues.

Various conditions causing blood in urine will have different kinds of tests and treatments to follow and the doctor will decide which course of treatment is needed.

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Amberen for Hot Flash Relief

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The word menopause conjures whispers and murmurs from older women to younger women proclaiming dread and disbelief at the onset of the mid-life curse. Menopause, however, need not conjure terror. With an overwhelming market of menopause products, treating the symptoms with just the right product can be daunting.

Facial flushing, embarrassing perspiration, chilling, and damp sensations along the face, neck, and shoulders, enter menopause. However, there are options. Approximately 92.6 percent of women who try Amberen purchase this powerful menopause manager. Women are anxious and frustrated at the lack of control over their hot flashes. Today they can reach for this clinically tested, hot flash relief, hormone booster. Amberen increases the body's natural production of estrogen. With a variety of safe and transformative ingredients, Amberen has no competition in the treatment of menopause symptoms.


As women between the ages of 45 and 55 enter the onset of menopause, estrogen and progesterone levels wane. Decreasing hormone levels can leave women with debilitating symptoms of hot flashes; night sweats anxiety, poor concentration, irregular periods, as well as a myriad of other uncomfortable and embarrassing symptoms. With such distress, women reach for untested, over-the-counter remedies that simply mask symptoms. Phytoestrogenic compounds made up of plant and animal hormones can put women at risk for heart disease, breast, and ovarian cancers. In addition, some of these products increase long-term use and stop the body's natural production of estrogen and progesterone. Herbal remedies may address some symptoms but may take weeks to work.

Hot Flash Relief

In the case of hot flashes, estrogen once monitored the body's temperature at a comfortable 98.6 digress Fahrenheit. With brief interruptions of illness or injury, only, this thermostat breaks down during menopause. Instantly, the hypothalamus rushes in to reset the body's temperature. Hot flashes can cause facial flushing, anxiety, perspiration, accompanying chills and even the late night sweats. Women's clothes are damp at work and perspiration leaves their hair looking a wreck. Additionally, women never know when the next hot flash will hit. Who needs these out of control symptoms when there is Amberen?

Amberen Hot Flash Relief Features

Amberen hot flash relief features increase the body's natural healing powers. With safe and healing elements, this product addresses nervous and cardiovascular system deficiencies. It helps boost metabolism and decrease free radical growth. This potent, safe, hot flash relief product is a masterful tool in the fight against debilitating menopause symptoms.

Waning estrogen levels diminish the body's ability to send and receive messages from the central nervous system to specific organ. Decreasing hormones reduce the effectiveness of the cardiovascular system. Feeling fatigued and worn out after a hot flash is the side effect of toxins free to move about the bloodstream. Amberen is the master over a myriad of menopause symptoms. Managing each of these issues with gentle, safe ingredients, this hot flash relief is effective for night sweat and hot flash relief any time of day.

Women suffer from the debilitating symptoms of perspiration, chills, mood fluctuations and even lightheadedness and lack of concentration from hot flashes. Amberen gives women peace of mind and a regulated body temperature. With no side effects, no risks to sufferers and actually no risk at all women are confident and hot flash free. Menopausal women can try Amberen risk-free for Menopause and hot flash relief.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Taste Disorders: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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There is another problem today that perhaps was never a cause for concern in the earlier days. In this disorder, the perception of taste can manifest even if one does not have anything in the mouth.

Cause for Concern

This is called phantom taste perception where one experiences a feeling of unpleasant flavor. One can also experience a limited capability to perceive anything that is sour or salty, which is called hypogeusia. Yet another variation of this problem is the inability to detect any taste at all, and this is referred to as ageusia. A taste disorder can manifest or become evident when a particular food or beverage leaves a negative impact in the mouth. This phenomenon can affect anyone, but there are some who are born with it and others who may get it because of an injury or illness. Some of the most common causes are bad dental hygiene, upper respiratory tract infection, cancer, chemotherapy, head injuries etc. The disorder can get really serious if it is not attended to immediately. In fact it can be risky and cause diabetes, a stroke, or even a heart attack. A loss of taste can also indicate the onset of Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.

Diagnosis Based on Symptoms

Diagnosis of the disorder is confirmed by an otolaryngologist who can evaluate and determine the extent of the problem. The patient is required to taste different substances under observation and depending on the concentration power of the patient, the doctor can start treatment. Usually a detailed assessment is carried out, along with a physical exam of the throat, nose and ear, a dental exam, a taste test and a review of the patient's medical history. Any illness is treatable; some may be cured while others are relieved either through palliative care or other measures. For a while many people swear by using homeopathy as it improves their sense of taste and smell. But there are a good many who do not find this brand of alternative medication their cup of tea. In this regard, doctors get to the root cause of the problem and treat it with care.


Some may regard this syndrome as purely psychological and this may true of some cases, but definitely not all. The best form of treatment in dealing with the problem is to find a trigger that makes the mind deliberately close down to experiencing any form of interest in the food or beverage or substance put in front of the patient. If a person has an underlying medical problem like respiratory tract illness or allergies, she/he may avoid certain foods that bring it on, and with proper medication the individual can get better and appreciate the item later on. If need be one can have a chat with a certified counselor to pinpoint the period when the individual lost her/his sense of taste of the product. Many a time, due to pressure people tend to avoid certain foodstuffs which nauseate them, resulting in a lack of interest in the product. There are many ways to deal with this disorder, but the first step is to follow doctor's orders and then take things as they come, one day at a time.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Treatments for Piles – Hemorrhoids are a Pain in The Bum – Here's What You Can Do

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Piles, medically referred to as hemorrhoids, are a collection of swollen or enlarged blood vessels situated in the lower part of a person's rectum. As well as extreme discomfort and even pain, hemorrhoids can also cause intense itching around the anus and bleeding when passing a stool. Although piles are not considered a serious condition, leaving them untreated could lead to having them removed via surgery. Before learning how to get rid of piles, it is important you try and understand how they are caused as this may prevent a recurrence in the future.


There are a number of reasons for a person developing piles, with the most common being obesity. If you do not have enough fibre in your diet, you will be at an increased risk of developing piles. This is because fibre softens a person's stools, preventing straining when going to the toilet. Excessive straining can inflame and enlarge the blood vessels around the rectum and anus. This will then result in hemorrhoids. If your work or home life requires constant heavy lifting, your chances of suffering from piles will be high. This is because the strain of lifting affects the blood vessels in your bottom.

Lifestyle Changes

As well as visiting your doctor for advice on how to get rid of piles, there are also a number of over-the-counter products that can help reduce the symptoms of piles. However, it is also important that you do a number of things yourself to increase the chances of getting rid of your hemorrhoids. Eating a healthy balanced diet, ensuring you follow the recommended daily allowance advice for fibre, will not only ensure your stools stay soft it will also help you maintain a healthy weight. Regular exercise will also help with weight loss, for those individuals who believe their piles are due to obesity. Reducing your caffeine intake and increasing the amount of water you drink will also have a positive effect.


It is important you keep the affected area clean, to avoid the risk of infection. Using special wet toilet paper, followed by dry will clean the area each time you visit the toilet. This should also reduce inflammation and itching. Taking a warm bath will also relieve intense itching, which is important as scratching at the area will just cause the hemorrhoids to become more inflamed and swollen. If your piles are still causing you significant problems after two weeks of dietary changes and self-help treatments, you should seek further advice from your doctor on how to get rid of piles.

Non-Surgical Treatment

Sclerotherpy has become the most common non-surgical treatment available for piles and involves injecting a special oil into the hemorrhoids. The oil causes the piles to shrivel up and they eventually die. This treatment is popular as it is relatively painless and extremely effective. Banding is the age-old treatment of piles and while it is not the most comfortable of procedures, it is certainly one of the most effective. A medical professional will place a tight elastic band around each hemorrhoid, which will completely cut off the blood supply to it. Without a blood source, the piles will shrivel up and die after around four days. The area left behind will be tender for a week or so but you should not experience any more pain.

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Alternative Colon Cancer Treatment

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The large intestine is made up of the colon (the upper five to six feet) and the rectum (the last six to eight inches). This is where the last stage of digestion occurs and where solid waste is held until it is released. Colorectal cancer is second only to lung cancer among cancers that kill both men and women. Mostly credited to an increase has been declining during the past decade.
Most colon cancers occur in people over fifty. Its strikes men and women nearly equally. Colorectal cancer develops over a ten to fifteen year period and produces no symptoms until it is advanced. If the disease is detected early enough and the tumor has not metastasized, the survival rate is quite high.

Recommended alternative and natural treatments for colon cancer:
It was once believed that a high fiber diet protects the colon by reducing the time any harmful carcinogens that are present in the stool are in contact with the intestinal wall. There have since been conflicting reports on this, but most health professionals still recommend a high fiber, low fat diet. A high fat diet has a strong link with colon cancer. Either a vegetarian diet or a diet low in red meat, alcohol, and refined foods and high in vegetables, fruits, soy, fish, whole grain breads, and cereals, as well as low or non fat dairy products and lots of fruits and vegetables juices offers optimum dietary protection. Garlic, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts. Citrus fruits, melons and dark green, red, and yellow vegetables are recommended for their antioxidant and sulfur compounds. Tomatoes may lower risk. Consumption of chlorinated water has been linked to a greater incidence of colon cancer. Coffee has been reported to have positive effects on reducing colon cancer risk.
Beta-carotene, calcium (1,200milligrams daily), selenium and vitamins C and E, and the long-term use of a multivitamin containing folic acid (above 400 micrograms daily) have been linked to a reduced risk of colon cancer. Probiotics (which can be found in yogurt and supplements) may inhibit colon cancer. Low levels of vitamin D and possibly, excessive iron intake, have been associated with a increased risk of colon cancer. Quercetin has been shown to have anticancer properties with respect to colon cancer.

We will explore now some highly recommended alternative treatment for colon cancer. We all know that alternative treatments are now gaining respect in the scientific world. These treatments are not only dealing with the effects but are treating the cause. That's why most of it are all effective if applied followed properly. All alternative treatment are non invasive and its the highly recommended treatment by almost 15,000 European doctors. Alternative Colon Cancer Treatment as provided by the one minute cure for all diseases has gain prominence to a lot of people. The claim is so simple; studies revealed that if you deprive a cell 35% of its required levels of oxygen for 2-3days, the cell would become cancerous and malignant. Most likely people don't realize that lack of oxygen is not only the underlying cause of cancer but is also the cause of most diseases. When the body is supplied with abundant and enough amounts of oxygen, no cancer cells, viruses, harmful bacteria, toxins, pathogens and disease microorganisms can survive because they cannot survive in a highly oxygenated environment in our bodies.

For further info and knowledge about Alternative Colon Cancer Treatment, colorectal cancer prevention and treatment and for more articles about the causes, symptoms and diagnosis of colon cancer. Just follow the link and watch also the 5minute video presentation for final assessment:

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Stem Cell Creams - The Latest Invention For Cosmetic And Anti-Aging Purposes

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If you are a lady you'll be more interested on this subject. Because universally womenfolk are the worried lots about aging and want to show themselves much younger to the world out there. Hey - don't jump up to conclusions that you are accused of this particularly. This is a tendency coming consistently for generations - right from your great great grandmas and you have been brought up that way. Precisely what are stem cell creams and how they are used in your make-up? Let us see.

This invention goes to the very root of human body science. You know our body - starting from the toe to your head and the hair upon it - consists of billions of cells. When your parents coupled to produce you, the process started. When the sperm of the male fertilizes a female egg, it forms a single cell called zygote.

This single one starts doubling up into a series of 2, 4, 8, 16 and so on. After six days, it forms into a mass known as blastocyst. It has inner mass called embryoblast and an outer mass namely trophoblast.

Without going into the medical jargon about these all, suffice it to say, the inner mass is capable of differentiating by growth into all the structures of your total body, inclusive of skin on the outer surface of it. They can in normal pregnancy become tissues, according to the part of the body and help their functions.

For example the tissues in your skin of the face and hands continue to grow from your childhood. When you are a pretty young lady - particularly when you attain puberty - the tissues in your face are grown fully. They are bubbling with energy and so your skin is shining and glowing (and attracts innumerable males to have a second look at you while passing!).

Simply put, when ladies are young, the skin care tactics are not resorted to mostly, other than applying light make up. When years go by, the automatic process of growth and multiplication of tissues, all over the body and skin becomes slow. Aging is the cause of wrinkles and that makes revelation of the true age to others.

But Scientists all over the world went on finding answers to combat aging. The need for providing ladies, suffering from inferiority complex due to wrinkles, with something that acts as anti-aging product, urged them continuously. This led them to find the answers from the original theory of renewing the growth of cells once again, even on aged persons.

So researches on stem cells - belonging to the class of undifferentiated, but are able to differentiate into specialized ones, particularly to replace the tissues of the skin - continued in full flow. Their research found out that these can be taken from adult tissues already grown up, and from blastocyst phase of the embryological development.

In the laboratories of scientists, both the adult tissues and those derived from a dividing zygote were put into controlled culture. Once they undergo cultures, they lose the ability of specializing or differentiating. They become tissues that can divide and replicate.

After thus ensuring the collection of undifferentiated, healthy but dividing cells in the required numbers, mostly from zygote, it became easier for the scientists to manage them, and stimulate them in the labs to specialize into any means as wanted. The process of giving fresh life to the tissues of the skin, getting old and worn out was thus born.

The wrinkles formed by the aging were generally concealed by applying lotions this far. Now there is a way out, to give new life to the tissues by the research of the scientists, in the cosmetic products industry. This new application by the research will give remedy to millions of womenfolk.

Scientists say your outer skin tissues die after 20 days, whereas the tissues in liver live longer for 200 days. So here is a way to get them grown again. Applying lotions for depigmentation, consuming synthetic medicines or peeling the sensitive skin tissues will ultimately end in loss of tissues and prohibit regeneration.

You may be put into many inconveniences and this can cause many diseases like cancer. Yet people are using them in their regular treatments for beautification. A better alternative was not made available for regenerating the tissues with fresh ones. Also the awareness among ladies about the side-effects of such chemical-mixed lotions is not that wide.

So ladies in need of anti-aging products can now be confident and shed these questionable products. Because, the therapy using stem cell creams made in the above mentioned process is advised as safe by the scientists.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Frankincense Oil's Anticancer Properties Uncovered In Laboratory Research

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The search for a cure for Cancer has been in full-swing for many years. Scientists around the globe are investigating every possible substance and protocol that they can dream up to offer mankind relief from this often terminal illness. Included in this research are many plants and plant extracts that have played significant roles in traditional medicine systems throughout history. In the last few years, interest and research into the potential of essential oils as anticancer agents has grown tremendously. (For those new to essential oils, they are simply the volatile aromatic constituents of plants -- for example, the chemicals that make up the scent of a Rose or the pungency of fresh Basil. They are complex compounds, very compatible with human physiology, with a host of research-supported health benefits.)

Two Outstanding Essential Oils Researched for Anticancer Activity

Sorting through the available research published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, one finds two particular essential oils most often associated with anticancer activity: Frankincense and Lemongrass. To clarify, Lemongrass is distilled from the grass leaves of Cymbopogon citratus; the name Frankincense actually refers to the resin of Olibanum trees found mostly in Ethiopia, Somalia and India -- the essential oil is distilled from the resin -- or 'sap' -- of these trees. Both Lemongrass and Frankincense have a very long history of medicinal use. Frankincense has been one of the most highly valued medicinal products throughout man's history -- Lemongrass just happens to be very prolific, but its efficacy is no less valuable because of its availability.

Modern Research Proves Ancient Medicine's Potential

Frankincense essential oil has been noted by leading medical aromatherapists to be most effective immune system modulating aromatic. A review of the research on Frankincense oil is quite amazing, and lives up to this declaration. Using the search term 'frankincense oil cancer' on the National Institute of Health's database produces 34 results (as of this writing). Frankincense oil appears to have the ability to distinguish between healthy and cancerous cells in an organ or tissue, and lead to the death of the cancerous cells while leaving the healthy ones unharmed.

Frankincense essential oil is very unique in its chemical makeup, unlike virtually anything else in the plant kingdom. It is only in Frankincense that Boswellic acids are found in significant quantity. Boswellic acids first became popular in the West around 20 years ago, when it found its way into anti-inflammatory preparations for sore muscles and arthritic joints. Boswellic acids seem to not only have the ability to reduce inflammation but to stimulate regeneration as well -- one high-end skin care company has started including them in their anti-aging line, as these compounds have been show to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and improve skin texture. It is these compounds that are able to initiate apoptosis, or natural programmed cell death, the lack of which is one of the characteristics of all cancers.

Cancer Cell Specificity

One of the challenges in treating cancer is targeting cancerous cells specifically with any medication or treatment, while leaving normal cells healthy and intact. More than one investigation using Frankincense has reached the same conclusion: that Frankincense oil "appears to distinguish" cancerous from non-cancerous cells, and suppresses the proliferation of the cancerous cells only. And not only does Frankincense have this important action, but it has been shown to reduce viability for cancers in quite a variety of organ system and tissues. It appears it could be a treatment for a wide number of cases and conditions.

Lemongrass: A Versatile Healer Investigated for a Whole New Range of Therapies

In the last two years, Indian researchers published two papers summarizing their investigation into the anticancer actions of Lemongrass. The essential oil was found effective in causing cell death of twelve cancer cell lines typically used in such research. Lemongrass essential oil was noted to show "dose dependent effects against various human cancer cell lines". The greatest efficacy of the oil was against colon cancer cells, with a very low concentration of 4.2 micrograms per milliliter of solution. The essential oil was also found effective in what is known as mouse-model studies, where mice implanted with specific tumor cells are treated with the oil. (Note that while the author does not condone animal studies in any way, the information produced by these studies may in-fact lead to the savings of many lives).

Looking Forward: Alternative Therapies as Cancer Treatments

These studies (and others available through medical research databases) are indeed promising -- most noting in some way that the low toxicity, availability and cancer-cell specificity of these natural compounds warrant further investigation. Please note, this articles is not meant to offer medical advice, but simply to report recent updates in medical research. It is not a substitute for sound professional medical advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Painkillers - They Don't Kill The Pain, They Only Kill Organs

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It's a very common thing that as soon as we suffer from pain or inflammation, we immediately go to the local drug store and buy a Paracetamol or an Analgesic and gulp it down. And this is not something new to us. In fact, this practice is being followed by people for several years. But here arises a question. Are we all really aware of the possible side effects that these drugs can have on our body? Scroll down and get to know some useful information.

What is a painkiller?

A Painkiller (the medical term of which is Analgesic) is a drug that is used to relieve pain. In other words, it is used as analgesia which tends to make us feel the absence of pain without any loss of consciousness. It functions by blocking the pain signals that go to the brain and makes us feel incognizant of the pain.

To dig out some data, the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has revealed that the supply of painkillers by US hospitals and drug stores has increased by 600% over the last decade. And most of the painkillers contain ingredients called Oxycodone and OxyContin, (which was once called as "hillbilly heroin"). But there are studies stating that the use of painkillers like aspirin and ibuprofen have a chance of reducing breast cancer. It does so by interfering with the inflammatory mechanisms of the body but this also carries an adverse rick of side effects like stroke, ulcers, asthma, and in worst case scenarios may affect the heart, kidney, and the liver.

The two main types of painkiller drugs are classified as Narcotic and Non-Narcotic. The latter is the more commonly used one and contains NSAIDs which completely interferes and stops the chemical formation that is primarily responsible for causing body pain. Narcotic painkillers are categorized as opiates and opioids. Both these types of drugs are highly concentrated and can be addictive to the users.

Side Effects of Painkillers:

This is the commonest side effect of painkillers. In fact, constipation, if not given proper attention, may well lead to a bunch of other health related problems. It may also cause stomach related ailments like nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, gastric problems, stomach ache etc. So, it would be better to include some stool softener or laxative substance along with the pills. Moreover, drinking lots of water and sticking to a fibrous diet can be helpful to prevent or minimize the effect of constipation.

This is another common problem of using painkillers. Painkillers literally numb the pain-causing receptors of the body and this may lead to drowsiness. This can be very troublesome especially if you are driving or at work.

Cardiovascular Effects
Painkillers have a tendency to slow down the heart beat rate, and in the worst case, may even lead to heart attack. Besides this, it also leads to Thrombosis (clotting of blood) or Stroke. Nevertheless, only frequent users of painkiller drugs are prone to such health related issues.

Respiratory Problems
Overuse of painkiller drugs may cause respiratory problems that include dyspnea, breathing difficulties, and tightening of the chest region. In rare cases, respiratory failure may in turn lead to death.

Psychological Problems
Some of the Psychological problems related to the consumption of painkillers are hallucination, an emotionally unstable mind, confusion, depression, and inability to think spontaneously while making a decision.

Painkillers contain a substance called as morphine that may sometimes cause vomiting and nausea, especially for allergic patients. However, this can be reduced or eliminated if the pills are taken after a meal with a glass of milk.

Other side effects of painkillers include dry mouth, vision problems, and skin problems. If you have ever wondered why professional sports persons always have health problems, it's only due to excess usage of painkillers they use to deal with pain. And if you are a follower of wrestling, you should now know the reasons for the frequent death and illness of professional wrestlers at a young age.

Thus, the ultimate fact is that the use of painkillers only eats the organs besides decreasing one's life span. So stay away from painkillers and look for natural and homemade remedies to protect your health. Just like how you use protective systems such as ADT Alarm Systems to protect your valuables in corporate and homes, you also need to take adequate measures in protecting your health. So, if you were unaware of the side effects of painkillers till now, please understand the seriousness of the possible effect it can have on your health and look for other alternatives. Let us all lead a healthy and long life.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Histoplasmosis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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In General

Every illness that manifests is either because of an underlying problem, or due to bad lifestyle choices or perhaps owing to environmental pressures. The illness called Histoplasmosis is caused by a fungus that is the resultant force of constant bird and bat droppings. When the surroundings are not cleaned up, chances are that the fungus can create a form of environment that generates or rather mutates into something unreal thereby bringing on the heebie-jeebies with regards to ill health. The symptoms as such are not very well defined in people who are infected with the fungi. But in general, the common occurrences include chest pain, joint pain, fever, a dry cough and a feeling of disorientation. If the symptoms persist after a couple of days, it is important to visit the doctor and treat the disease or it can spread from the lungs to other organs. There are parallels between Histoplasmosis and pneumonia in terms of the symptoms of both.

Causes and Symptoms

The fungus Histoplasma capsulatum causes the illness which is found in various parts of the globe. People who come in contact with this form of fungi have to ensure that they have appropriate gear to keep themselves well protected at all times. This is only a preventive measure, of course, and others who have a very low immune system have to ensure that they refrain from contact. Cancer and AIDS or HIV patients are the most prone to contact and therefore it is advisable to avoid going out in areas where there is an abundance of the endemic fungi vis-à-vis bird or bat poop. Companies that specialize in removal of hazardous waste should ensure that the droppings are removed carefully, leaving the surroundings pristine. The problem is that breathing in the spores can allow them to take root in the system and then the disease is easily transmitted from person to person and even animal to animal.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Before treatment, it is important for the doctor to conduct a series of tests like a fungal test where samples of tissues, sputum, blood, bone marrow (if necessary), liver, skin and urine are taken. This is to test the growth of the fungi , by examining the samples in a lab. A mild case of the illness can be treated with general antibiotics as ascertained by the doctor. Most often, the medication to treat the disease is antifungal. Based on the severity of the illness, the patient may have to keep taking the medication for a period of three months to a year. If the patient has a very low immune system, he or she may require multivitamins as well to get back on the horse. If the individual has had the illness before, then the previous medication can hold him or her in good stead. The problem with sufferers is that not many follow the rules of the doctor diligently and end up skipping on medication, therefore increasing their risk of a re-infection. There are various ways to keep illnesses at bay, but the bottom line is to ensure that no matter what the cause and effect, one should genuinely listen to and heed the advice presented by doctors.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Georges Herge Creator of Tintin The Final Years

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The Herge's Studio's was set up in April 1950 in order to lighten Herge's workload after his second breakdown. He employed assistants such as the artist Bob de Moor to help produce The Adventures of Tintin. This was to be the case for the rest of the Tintin albums where assistants would fill in the details and backgrounds such as the lunar landscapes in Explorers on the Moon.

Many believe the new set up allowed Herge to craft some of his finest creations with The Calculus Affair produced in 1954 considered by many Herge's most refined work. The drama in Herge life was to continue however with his 25 year marriage to Germaine at breaking point after Herge had fallen for a young artist who had recently joined his studio Fanny Vlaminck. Herge was suffering strong recurring nightmares. He was advised by a psychoanalyst to give up working on Tintin. Herge decided to the opposite and launched himself into Tintin in Tibet. This album was later to be described by Herge as his favorite and can be interpreted as a voyage of self discovery not only for Tintin but Herge too. Tintin in Tibet is certainly a powerful album in its creation.

Tintin in Tibet was published in the Tintin magazine from September 1958 to November 1959.The quest was a personnel voyage for Tintin that reflected the very same journey that Herge himself was experiencing. Tintin is in search of Chang Chong-Chen, the Chinese boy he befriended in the Blue Lotus. The adventure allowed Herge to confront his nightmares by filling the book with severe alpine scenery, giving the adventure a commanding open setting. The are only three main characters in the book which was a marked difference to previous albums with Tintin, Captain Haddock and the Sherpa Tharkey involved in the search for Chang. The completion of the story was also a time when Herge emotional demons ceased and the nightmares left him.

Herge was to write three more Tintin albums The Castafiore Emerald in 1961, Flight 714 in 1966 and Tintin and the Picaros in 1975. In this period as technology developed Herge allowed experimentation into other media for his beloved Walloon reporter. Tintin was to be used in advertising and merchandise. There was a stop motion animation film made that was not a success but the film Tintin and the Golden Fleece Fleece starring Jean-Pierre Talbot as Tintin did better. The biggest successes were the animated films beginning in 1961 with The Calculus Case. Herge was to divorce Germaine in 1975 and finally marry Fanny Vlamnick in 1977.

Herge in later years was to finally be able to visit some of the places that had inspired his Tintin adventures. The Financial success of the albums had allowed him to travel to America where he visited Native Indians whose culture had long held a fascination for him. . He also found time to visit Taiwan where he was held in high esteem after The Blue Lotus and whose Kuomintang government welcomed with open arms.

A happy tale towards the end of Herge life was that he was able to again meet Chang Chong-jen the man who had taught him about Chinese art and inspired Herge to change his style. Chang had been reduced to a sweeper during the Chinese Revolution but was re-instated as head of the Fine Art Academy in Shanghai in the 1970's. Chang returned to a reunion with Herge in Europe in 1981 where Chang would settle in Paris until his death in 1988.

Herge too was to die on March 3rd 1983 when he finally succumbed to complications arising from anemia caused by bone cancer that he had suffered for several years. Herge was in the process of producing Tintin and the Alpha-Art. This adventure was never to be finished due to express wishes by Herge that no Tintin album be published by any other artist. Tintin and the Alpha-Art was published as a series of sketches and notes in 1986. Fanny closed Herge Studios in 1987 and The Herge Foundation was set set up in 1988 with the Tintin magazine discontinued.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Success With Cancer Means Healing The Cause Instead Of Just Treating The Effect

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Firstly cancer is a disease of an immune system that wasn't working because it didn't control cancer cells as they appeared within the body. Your immune system is supposed to identify rogue cells and remove them but it wasn't functioning properly because of the modern way we now live caused by many factors. They include a diet of highly processed food which includes junk food, the chemicals that find their way into our bodies from the products we use and our sedentary lifestyle we now lead.

Secondly a cancer growth anywhere in the body is only a symptom and is not the main problem so by removing that symptom, does not deal with the cause or why these growths appeared. Unless you make some important lifestyle changes, cancer is only going to grow again in some other part of the body because you haven't removed the reasons why it first grew.

Thirdly all cancers are a disease of the entire body and the growth itself is only the symptom. The definition of a symptom is an indication that something is wrong so to correct it you must address the whole body and not just the symptom.

Doctors treat cancer as if it's a foreign group of cells that has to be removed regardless of the damage done to the human body. Hence we only have three ways to treat the problem and they are cutting it out with surgery, burning it with radiation or using a poison in the form of chemotherapy in the attempt to remove it. These are harsh ways to treat the complex human body and they don't work because they are not addressing the reasons why the cancer first appeared.

There is only one way to successfully deal with a cancer diagnosis and that is to search for the reasons why it grew and remove them. Common sense should tell you that before you can fix any problem you have to remove the factors that caused it. With cancer this will allow the body to self-heal. Unfortunately in this money orientated world we live in, our treatments for the disease are in place not because they heal but because they are profitable.

True cures means making changes to the way you live and by doing so will correct the problem but unfortunately no one can profit from that and that's the reason why it won't be offered. If you are serious about your cancer then it means a total lifestyle change forever. Doctors won't educate you on how to maintain your health because they don't know. They only know their three treatments to deal with the problem which they are very good at.

We put far too much emphasis on the outside of the body and how we look but with cancer it's time to deal with the inside of the body because that's where the problem is. There are only natural ways to achieve that.

Every human being has an immune system, it's our built-in repair system and the only way to successfully overcome any cancer, no matter how advanced, is through this system.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Easy Guide to Tackling Ringworm

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Ringworm is part of the fungal infection family that includes Athlete's Foot. It is the result of the imbalanced proliferation of fungi known as dermatophytes.

My previous article titled Essential Guide to Beating Ringworm' outlined the types, causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment of ringworm. We will now explore the condition further by explaining the onset signs, risk factors and diagnosis of this type of skin infection.

Recognising the Onset of Ringworm

Ringworm of the skin commonly starts as a small patch of itchy, red, or scaly skin. It often appears as a circle, hence the origin of the term. If left untreated, the rash can spread to cover large areas of your body, causing discomfort.

If the infection gets worse, the ring-shaped patterns and their red-brown colour will become more pronounced. Skin blisters and cracks can occur in more serious cases, which can potentially become infected with bacteria and thus cause further complications.

Be aware that clothing which rubs against your skin can irritate the rash. In addition, sweat, heat and humidity can also make the itching and infection worse.

Ringworm can spread to many different parts of the body, including the feet, nails, scalp, or beard.

The Risk Factors That Encourage Ringworm

You may be more susceptible to contracting ringworm in the following cases:

* You come into contact with a person who has the condition it's important to know that some people can be carriers and pass it on without ever exhibiting physical symptoms.

* You've had a previous fungal infection.

* You're biologically susceptible to fungal infections.

* You live in a damp, warm climate.

* Your skin is left moist for prolonged periods, such as by staying in a wet bathing suit or sweaty workout clothes.

* You wear tight-fitting clothes that do not allow your skin to breathe sufficiently.

* You have a weakened immune system due to other medical conditions such as AIDS, cancer or diabetes.

Diagnosing Ringworm

While most often ringworm is effectively tackled by an over-the-counter antifungal medicine which you can buy from your local pharmacy, you're advised to pay a visit to your GP in the following circumstances:

* Your condition has not improved after 2 weeks of treatment with a non-prescription antifungal medicine.

* You have patches of skin that are itchy, red, scaly and display blister-like bumps.

* Signs of bacterial infection develop.

Recognising Signs of Bacterial Infection

These symptoms may include:

* Significant pain, swelling, redness, tenderness, or heat sensation.

* The rash continues to spread, even after treatment.

* Red streaks extending from the affected area.

* A fever of 37.7 C (100 F) or higher, with no other cause.

* Liquid discharge from the infection site.

All in all, any persistent, recurring or severe infection should be looked at by your doctor. Other avenues to seek help and guidance from include a dermatologist, nursing practitioner or paediatrician.


Your doctor will in most cases easily recognise this type of fungal infection by its ring-shaped rash.

Further tests to confirm the ringworm fungus are:

* A KOH preparation your doctor will take a sample of your skin by lightly scraping the infected area. The sample is then placed on a slide with potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution and gently heated. If the ringworm fungus cells are present, they will then be clearly identifiable under the microscope.

* A fungal culture this test is used to identify the exact type of fungus that is causing your rash. It is usually only done if the diagnosis is proving difficult or your skin condition is not responding to treatment. This test can take up to 4 weeks because it will take time for the fungus to grow to the point where it can be distinguished with certainty.

Getting the Best Results from Treatment

Most cases of ringworm can be treated with topical creams or ointments which will kill the fungi that grows on the surface of your skin. As mentioned, these are generally highly effective and can be bought at a pharmacy without the need for a prescription. If this doesn't work, you may then take the alternative route of oral antifungal pills.

Be sure to apply or take the medicine exactly as the label or your GP tells you to, in order to eradicate the fungus thoroughly and prevent it from recurring. Treatment will often take 2 to 4 weeks.

In the worst case scenario, damaged skin can attract bacterial infection, which may require a course of antibiotics.


While ringworm is generally not a serious condition, it's highly advisable to treat it soon as you notice the onset of symptoms, because if it gains hold or escalates to a bacterial infection, it will be much harder to eradicate. It's also important to take the full course of your medical treatment to prevent the fungus from recurring.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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National Security and Our Family Unit

Hello visitor! Thank you for taking the time to read this article.

Over the years, as things have changed and evolved between men and women, we have lost sight of all the ramifications of these changes. America was the leader in the world in the eyes of many other nations. Although many other societies don't necessarily agree with many of the USA's ways and beliefs, most have had a relatively high level of respect for our great nation.

Democracy and the free capitalistic system we represent are the envy of many. In the last several years, the USA has lost much of this respect. Many now look at us as intrusive, hypocritical fools. Many of the cultures we are having trouble with have very strong traditional religious beliefs. They are very set in their ways with respect to their family unit.

Many believe, as do I, that the family unit is the heart of any society. The family unit and its traditional values are central to many of these cultures. The men in these cultures must be strong and in control of their families. They must be respected and appreciated, much like it used to be here forty years ago.

Since 9/11, we have all come to believe that terrorists are our nation's biggest threat. I've got news for you. Although the terrorist issue is of great imminent concern, the deterioration of our family unit and the large increase of the dysfunctional family is a much bigger national threat than terrorists will ever be.

Terrorists can be curtailed and their wrath isolated. The breakdown of the family unit, the major increase in divorce, and single parenting is eating away at our entire country from within.

It's like a cancer. Have you ever heard of the military strategy of "divide and conquer?" I believe this is what is happening to us. We are being divided by the deterioration of our basic social structure, only to be vulnerable to be conquered later. No greater damage can be done to our country than the slow, steady, systematic deterioration of basic family unit standards and our traditional moral fiber.

Any country's youth is its future, and our youth are looking pretty grim. With the advent of the unfair marriage laws and the resulting high divorce rate and de-balling of the modern male, our youth are not being led and raised with any of the old morals. Selfishness has become the order of the day.

People these days don't even look at getting a job and raising a family until almost middle age. Forty years ago, if you weren't working and married with kids by twenty-five, something was wrong. Today, people haven't even decided what they want to be when they grow up until their late twenties.

We only live to be around seventy. If you haven't even made that decision until you're thirty, you've already lived almost half your life before figuring out what's up and what's down. If this continues, can you imagine what it will do to our tax base in years to come? The de-balling of the modern male, which was created by the high divorce rate, is also breaking down our country's structure. The same way terrorists must be squashed at all cost, so must this process of steadily eroding family values.

We are going around the world advocating our values, beliefs, and ways of life, and here we are in total lack of control of the basic values which form a society. Other countries have satellites and TVs. They see shows like Jerry Springer, The View, and the rest of them.

They know the way men are treated in the USA. They see how men have become a bunch of wimps, caving to and fearing women. How men are persecuted and how we applaud their persecution. Women here rule in all ways, and the world knows it.

Men get their penises sliced off while they sleep, and the mate who did it goes free and gets applauded by the rest of the women in the USA. Others can see the complete lack of respect and the humiliation that men are subjected to at the hands of the superior women.

We're trying to tell them they should be like us, and here they are laughing at the men of the USA for being a bunch of submissive wusses who have no control over their women, lives, or families. We're telling a society that believes women must be kept in veils that our way is better.

They know the American woman is out being as promiscuous as she can on the eve of her marriage, while hubby sits at home babysitting her kids from her previous two marriages.

If you stop and think about it, it's actually comical. We're asking them to sign up for that? There is no way they will want to have anything to do with our way of life. I'm not suggesting that the USA's female chauvinists have caused our rifts with these nations, but I can tell you it has a lot to do with the lack of respect that is being shown to the USA.

How can you show respect for a nation whose basic family unit and structure is in such a chaotic state? How can you respect men who allow themselves to be degraded the way they are? We have to get our affairs in order, not only for the sake of our nation's future, but also to regain a little respect back from the rest of the world.

As much as many societies see democracy as good and advantageous, they are threatened when you start talking about human rights, women's rights, and minority rights. Not necessarily because they don't believe in those people's rights, but because they've seen what those programs have led to in the United States, how those programs get abused and taken too far.

The pendulum always swings too far when America tries to look after a certain group of people. It's undeniable and apparent to all other nations and cultures. That's part of what scares them. They see it has failed here, yet we haven't seen it ourselves.

We must make our family laws fair again and stop prosecuting men. We must stop putting good, innocent, hard-working men in jail simply because some wife's lawyer has figured out that strategically it works to her advantage. We must start to respect all people again.

We must recognize that men and women are and should be very different. Each of their priorities and ways of thinking must not be the same. Although different, men and women must be equal. We can't confuse being different from each other to being equal to each other.

Men should be men and women should be women; they should be different, but equal. The pendulum must be put to the neutral position, not favoring either men or women. Then and only then will the divorce rate start to drop, single parenting will slow, and the de-balling process can start to be reversed.

Maybe then we will start to eliminate the level of dysfunctional families. Maybe then men will step up and commit the way they used to without the fear of being tormented, abused, taken advantage of, and persecuted for no good reason.

National security must start from within. As a nation, we have to preserve the sanctity of old family values. We must raise our offspring in an even, balanced way so that they get the equal influence of both parents. Men have to get back to the point where they don't totally fear marriage and commitment.

Nothing threatens our nation's security more than these issues. If this deterioration continues and is not reversed, we are going to be in big trouble in the years to come. We will be the joke of the world instead of the envy of the world. Even our staunchest supporters will turn on us if we don't get our own house in order.

No matter how great our system and way of life is, if we don't have control of our home lives and have a sound family unit, we will not be successful and will not have the respect of others. We will also be vulnerable to being divided and destroyed by our adversaries.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Alternative Cancer Treatments - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hello visitor! Thank you for taking the time to read this article.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a treatment which essentially involves providing the body with extra oxygen. The word 'Hyper' means 'increased' and 'Baric' refers to pressure. As we all know, Oxygen is one of the gases in the air that we breathe and is essential for life. The air that we breathe normally contains 21% oxygen. Breathing in 100% oxygen under increased pressure within a hyperbaric chamber allows extra oxygen to be forced into the blood stream and dissolved at a much faster rate than if pressure was not used. Another effect is the increased oxygen transport capacity of the blood. Under atmospheric pressure, oxygen transport is limited by the oxygen binding capacity of hemoglobin in red blood cells, which almost reaches saturation at atmospheric pressure, very little oxygen being transported by plasma. However Oxygen transport by plasma is significantly increased under HBO therapy.This extra oxygen can help where healing is retarded due to infection or limited blood supply through tissue damage.

Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy:

- HBO facilitates the growth of new blood vessels, enabling the transport of additional blood;
- HBO augments the body's natural defence mechanisms to fight infection and kill bacteria;
- HBO helps reduce any swelling that may occur around an area subjected to radiotherapy.

The treatment is normally painfree and is carried out in specially-designed chambers known as "hyperbaric chambers". There are two basic types of chamber: monoplace chambers and a multiplace chambers.

A monoplace hyperbaric chamber for treating one person at a time and involves the patient lying on a padded stretcher that is then slid into a clear plastic chamber about 2ft in width. Once inside, the door is closed and the chamber is pressurised.

Multiplace hyperbaric chambers can treat several people at a time. The multiplace chamber is the type most frequently used. These chambers are big enough to accommodate sometimes as many as a dozen patients at a time and it is possible to walk into them. Patients either sit on benches or lie inside these chambers. 100% pure oxygen is administered via either a mask or a clear plastic hood. HBO sessions usually last from one to three hours depending on the nature of the treatment program. Treatment sessions within the hyperbaric chamber are normally repeated over several days or even weeks.

HBO therapy is increasingly being used for helping patients who have been subjected to conventional radiotherapy treatment for cancer and are now suffering the after-effects. A major problem with radiotherapy is that, since it not only kills cancer cells but also nearby healthy cells at the same time, it can cause changes in the oxygen supply to tissues in the treated area, since less blood is supplied to the area. The result is that it becomes more difficult oxygen and essential nutrients to reach the tissues. Over a period of time these tissues can become very fragile, break down and ulcerate. Sometimes tissue can even completely die (radiation necrosis).

Studies indicate that HBO therapy can be effective in the following conditions:

- Chronic lymphoedema in breast cancer;
- Chronic radiation cystitis;
- Pelvic cancer;
- Bowel cancer;
- Prostate cancer;
- Osteoradionecrosis;
- Chronic radiation proctitis;
- Acute blood loss anemia

I hope that this brief article on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has provided a brief insight into the importance of oxygen in the correct functioning of the body, plus its role not only in the treatment of cancer but also how it can be used in overcoming some of the serious adverse side effects of conventional cancer treatments. Perhaps it will encourage you to further investigate this fascinating subject. As always, you should seek the guidance of a professional medical fractioned before taking any medications or undergoing any form of therapy.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Diabetes Causes – What are the Myths and Facts?

Hello visitor! Thank you for taking the time to read this article.

In this Article I will tell you in detail what are the primary causes of Diabetes.

The two major causes of diabetes is the body's malfunction to produce enough of the insulin hormone, and secondly the body develops a resistance to insulin.

Type 1 diabetes is caused due to decrease in insulin production.

Type 2 diabetes is caused due to resistance of insulin in peripheral tissues.

In juvenile diabetes, the cause might perhaps be a lack of vitamin D.

Causes of diabetes -

Diabetes mellitus occurs when the pancreas does not create adequate or any of the hormone insulin, or when the insulin produced does not work proficiently. Thus, this causes the level of glucose in the blood to be higher than standard levels

1. In Type 1 diabetes, the cells in the pancreas that are responsible to make insulin are attacked and destroyed by the body's own immune structure, causing a severe lack of insulin.

It is not exactly clear why this occurs, but probable triggers of this reaction could be -

infection with a specific virus or bacteria;

exposure to food-borne chemical toxins or

However, these are only supposition, and are yet to be confirmed.

Type 1 diabetes generally develops in children, teenagers or young adults. Most of the doctors and scientists believe this is a genetically caused condition and is not related to lifestyle habits.

Risk factors for developing Type 1 Diabetes include:

1. Family history - a child that has a parent or sibling with type 1 diabetes has a 2-6% possibility of developing the disease.

2. Autoimmune disorders - such as thyroid disease and celiac disease, increases the danger of type 1 diabetes.

3. Early stoppage of breastfeeding and/or exposure to cow's milk - breastfeeding an infant for at least three months reducess the risk of type 1 diabetes. Some studies also show that exposure to cow's milk or cow's milk-based formula before one year of age may raise diabetes danger.

4. Ethnicity - Americans, Caucasians have a larger danger of type 1 diabetes as compared to African-Americans, Asian Americans, Latin Americans.

5. The past of childhood virus diseases

2. Type 2 diabetes is supposed to develop when:

the receptors on the human cells in the body that react to the action of insulin drop short of being stimulated by it also called as insulin resistance. In response to this, more insulin may be developed, and this over-production exhausts the insulin-manufacturing cells in the pancreas;

There is just inadequate insulin available in the body and

The insulin that is available may be abnormal and therefore doesn't function correctly.

The following risk factors increase the chances of developing Type 2 diabetes:

growing age

if it runs in the family, i.e. genetic


Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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