Frankincense Oil's Anticancer Properties Uncovered In Laboratory Research

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The search for a cure for Cancer has been in full-swing for many years. Scientists around the globe are investigating every possible substance and protocol that they can dream up to offer mankind relief from this often terminal illness. Included in this research are many plants and plant extracts that have played significant roles in traditional medicine systems throughout history. In the last few years, interest and research into the potential of essential oils as anticancer agents has grown tremendously. (For those new to essential oils, they are simply the volatile aromatic constituents of plants -- for example, the chemicals that make up the scent of a Rose or the pungency of fresh Basil. They are complex compounds, very compatible with human physiology, with a host of research-supported health benefits.)

Two Outstanding Essential Oils Researched for Anticancer Activity

Sorting through the available research published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, one finds two particular essential oils most often associated with anticancer activity: Frankincense and Lemongrass. To clarify, Lemongrass is distilled from the grass leaves of Cymbopogon citratus; the name Frankincense actually refers to the resin of Olibanum trees found mostly in Ethiopia, Somalia and India -- the essential oil is distilled from the resin -- or 'sap' -- of these trees. Both Lemongrass and Frankincense have a very long history of medicinal use. Frankincense has been one of the most highly valued medicinal products throughout man's history -- Lemongrass just happens to be very prolific, but its efficacy is no less valuable because of its availability.

Modern Research Proves Ancient Medicine's Potential

Frankincense essential oil has been noted by leading medical aromatherapists to be most effective immune system modulating aromatic. A review of the research on Frankincense oil is quite amazing, and lives up to this declaration. Using the search term 'frankincense oil cancer' on the National Institute of Health's database produces 34 results (as of this writing). Frankincense oil appears to have the ability to distinguish between healthy and cancerous cells in an organ or tissue, and lead to the death of the cancerous cells while leaving the healthy ones unharmed.

Frankincense essential oil is very unique in its chemical makeup, unlike virtually anything else in the plant kingdom. It is only in Frankincense that Boswellic acids are found in significant quantity. Boswellic acids first became popular in the West around 20 years ago, when it found its way into anti-inflammatory preparations for sore muscles and arthritic joints. Boswellic acids seem to not only have the ability to reduce inflammation but to stimulate regeneration as well -- one high-end skin care company has started including them in their anti-aging line, as these compounds have been show to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and improve skin texture. It is these compounds that are able to initiate apoptosis, or natural programmed cell death, the lack of which is one of the characteristics of all cancers.

Cancer Cell Specificity

One of the challenges in treating cancer is targeting cancerous cells specifically with any medication or treatment, while leaving normal cells healthy and intact. More than one investigation using Frankincense has reached the same conclusion: that Frankincense oil "appears to distinguish" cancerous from non-cancerous cells, and suppresses the proliferation of the cancerous cells only. And not only does Frankincense have this important action, but it has been shown to reduce viability for cancers in quite a variety of organ system and tissues. It appears it could be a treatment for a wide number of cases and conditions.

Lemongrass: A Versatile Healer Investigated for a Whole New Range of Therapies

In the last two years, Indian researchers published two papers summarizing their investigation into the anticancer actions of Lemongrass. The essential oil was found effective in causing cell death of twelve cancer cell lines typically used in such research. Lemongrass essential oil was noted to show "dose dependent effects against various human cancer cell lines". The greatest efficacy of the oil was against colon cancer cells, with a very low concentration of 4.2 micrograms per milliliter of solution. The essential oil was also found effective in what is known as mouse-model studies, where mice implanted with specific tumor cells are treated with the oil. (Note that while the author does not condone animal studies in any way, the information produced by these studies may in-fact lead to the savings of many lives).

Looking Forward: Alternative Therapies as Cancer Treatments

These studies (and others available through medical research databases) are indeed promising -- most noting in some way that the low toxicity, availability and cancer-cell specificity of these natural compounds warrant further investigation. Please note, this articles is not meant to offer medical advice, but simply to report recent updates in medical research. It is not a substitute for sound professional medical advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details


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