Antarctica Revealed

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The continent of Antarctica is truly unique, with its breathtaking beauty it still can be incredibly ruthless to anyone who tries to dominate it. War has never touched this pristine continent, keeping it pure. This is hard to believe when you realize that it is larger than Europe and America combined.

It is true that many men have died here, but these deaths were do to the brutal conditions on the continent. The weather is so cold that virtually no germs can survive here.

No other continent has seen such differing views on faith and politics work together so flawlessly. All of this happening only inches away from temperatures reaching 100 degrees below zero. People who live in Antarctica never need to worry about gaining weight.

They can consume four hearty meals a day and never gain an ounce. This is do to the fact that the extreme cold uses up more calories than the body could on any diet.

Antarctica is often said to be the home of the "big eye." This is due to the fact that many people who live here suffer from insomnia in the summer months since the sun never goes down, causing people to not be able to sleep, even at 3 a.m.

Where else, other than Antarctica, would you find the most elite club on the planet, the "300 Degree Club?" Even though Antarctica has the cheapest bars in the world on the South Pole, where no matter what your drinking be it top shelf or simple beer, it's all the same price.

But a single night of drinking can be a massive bill. The nights are extremely long between the months of April and September.

A shield of 9000 foot of ice moves across the Antarctic heartland, this chunk of ice might have enough fuel in it to power the whole world. What few laws there are in Antarctica, are definitely different - they don't extradite criminals, and anyone who would consider hiding out in nine million square miles of open, broad valleys, or in 15,000 ft. ranges of mountains, would have a tough time staying alive more than a few hours in what is the most incredible vicious environment in the world.

Even so, Antarctica has the smallest crime rate of any country or nation out there. It could be the spot of the perfect crime, but if anyone has been murdered, it is a crime which has not been prosecuted. Antarctica has no extradition treaties or any laws which enforce murder statutes anywhere on the continent.

While 10 nations have flags flying over this amazing continent, no nation calls any of the continent's real estate its own. There has not been a single attempt by any nation to try and form some type of permanent colony here. Even so, some of the most brilliant minds and best technology resides here.

Even though most of the residents aren't not permanent members of it's society, they have the highest IQ in the world. Due to the many scientists who live and work there, the college degrees can often outnumber high school diplomas. Plus, there is more scientific talent here than you would find at any university.

In addition to all this brain power, there is more peaceful research done here than in any capital in the world. This southern land is the only place where firing nuclear bombs is completely restricted.

The environmental laws on the planet are in effect in Antarctica. Specific licensing is necessary to harvest animals which were subject to slaughter a brief century past by whalers and sealers. Today's Antarctica has become a the playground for pure scientific research, and the scientists involved work very hard to keep it in a pristine condition.

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