Treatments for Piles – Hemorrhoids are a Pain in The Bum – Here's What You Can Do

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Piles, medically referred to as hemorrhoids, are a collection of swollen or enlarged blood vessels situated in the lower part of a person's rectum. As well as extreme discomfort and even pain, hemorrhoids can also cause intense itching around the anus and bleeding when passing a stool. Although piles are not considered a serious condition, leaving them untreated could lead to having them removed via surgery. Before learning how to get rid of piles, it is important you try and understand how they are caused as this may prevent a recurrence in the future.


There are a number of reasons for a person developing piles, with the most common being obesity. If you do not have enough fibre in your diet, you will be at an increased risk of developing piles. This is because fibre softens a person's stools, preventing straining when going to the toilet. Excessive straining can inflame and enlarge the blood vessels around the rectum and anus. This will then result in hemorrhoids. If your work or home life requires constant heavy lifting, your chances of suffering from piles will be high. This is because the strain of lifting affects the blood vessels in your bottom.

Lifestyle Changes

As well as visiting your doctor for advice on how to get rid of piles, there are also a number of over-the-counter products that can help reduce the symptoms of piles. However, it is also important that you do a number of things yourself to increase the chances of getting rid of your hemorrhoids. Eating a healthy balanced diet, ensuring you follow the recommended daily allowance advice for fibre, will not only ensure your stools stay soft it will also help you maintain a healthy weight. Regular exercise will also help with weight loss, for those individuals who believe their piles are due to obesity. Reducing your caffeine intake and increasing the amount of water you drink will also have a positive effect.


It is important you keep the affected area clean, to avoid the risk of infection. Using special wet toilet paper, followed by dry will clean the area each time you visit the toilet. This should also reduce inflammation and itching. Taking a warm bath will also relieve intense itching, which is important as scratching at the area will just cause the hemorrhoids to become more inflamed and swollen. If your piles are still causing you significant problems after two weeks of dietary changes and self-help treatments, you should seek further advice from your doctor on how to get rid of piles.

Non-Surgical Treatment

Sclerotherpy has become the most common non-surgical treatment available for piles and involves injecting a special oil into the hemorrhoids. The oil causes the piles to shrivel up and they eventually die. This treatment is popular as it is relatively painless and extremely effective. Banding is the age-old treatment of piles and while it is not the most comfortable of procedures, it is certainly one of the most effective. A medical professional will place a tight elastic band around each hemorrhoid, which will completely cut off the blood supply to it. Without a blood source, the piles will shrivel up and die after around four days. The area left behind will be tender for a week or so but you should not experience any more pain.

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