Esophageal Cancer Treatment Success Rates

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The patients suffering from esophageal cancer will have very low survival rates and the rate of survival goes on decreasing day by day and stage by stage. As the treatment for esophageal cancer has increased in recent times, the rate of survival has also increased slightly. There are four stages in esophageal cancer and the mortality rate of the patient decreases stage by stage.

The cancerous cell growth will start initially from inside the esophagus and later spreads outwards. Due to this, the survival rate of the patients affected goes on decreasing day by day with every passing stage and also the ailment gets more severe. Though the treatment may be provided in every stage, the survival rate of the patient in last of final stage is zero.

The survival rate depends on the treatment and treatment decision is influenced by many factors. In the initial stage (stage zero), cancerous cells are confined only to innermost layers or epithelium and the survival rate is 70%. In the next stage (first stage), the cancerous cell will invade and go beyond the epithelium to sub mucosa and the survival rate is 60%.

In second stage initially the cell spread further and invades the muscular layer of the esophagus and probably even the adventitia. The survival rate is 40% in this. Later in second stage, the cells spread beyond the epithelium and survival rate is 20%. In the third stage which is also called as locally advanced cancer, the adventitia is invaded and it spreads further to nearby lymph nodes or even to nearby organs and the survival rate is 15%.

In the final stage (last stage or fourth stage), initially the cells will spread to distant lymph nodes and the survival rate is 15%. Later in final stage, the cells will spread to other organs and the survival rate is only 5%. Though there are many treatments available, the last stage patient's survival rate cannot be increased.

If the diagnosis of esophageal cancer presence is made earlier, then there are many chances of increased survival rate. But if the diagnoses process is delayed, then the treatment is delayed as well as the survival rate decreases for the patient.

If the patient is in the initial, first or second stage, then their chances of survival can be increased by treatment. But if the patient is in third stage, then it is quite difficult to recover from esophageal cancer. If the patient is in the last or fourth stage, then it is impossible to treat them and survival chances are very less.

The success rate mainly depends on the treatment method, patient's health condition, the recovery speed of the patient, food habits and life style (both before and after the surgery) etc. Even after performing surgery for esophageal cancer, the mortality rate is not much reduced. The mortality rate of esophagectomy is 2 percent to 6 percent when high volume units are given.

The patients with early tumors limited to mucosa 5 year survival rates can exceed 80%. Patients who are free of lymph node metastases have 5 year survival of 60%, whereas survival decreases to 20% in patients who have cancer in lymph nodes.

Natural Remedies:

There are certain natural remedies that offer a promising cure for esophageal cancer. Along with the natural remedies and a well-researched different diet pattern, a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle can make a huge difference to your efforts for prolonging the life for several years. You can increase your chances of surviving esophagus cancer now by trying these proven natural remedies discussed in

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details


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