Stem Cell Creams - The Latest Invention For Cosmetic And Anti-Aging Purposes

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If you are a lady you'll be more interested on this subject. Because universally womenfolk are the worried lots about aging and want to show themselves much younger to the world out there. Hey - don't jump up to conclusions that you are accused of this particularly. This is a tendency coming consistently for generations - right from your great great grandmas and you have been brought up that way. Precisely what are stem cell creams and how they are used in your make-up? Let us see.

This invention goes to the very root of human body science. You know our body - starting from the toe to your head and the hair upon it - consists of billions of cells. When your parents coupled to produce you, the process started. When the sperm of the male fertilizes a female egg, it forms a single cell called zygote.

This single one starts doubling up into a series of 2, 4, 8, 16 and so on. After six days, it forms into a mass known as blastocyst. It has inner mass called embryoblast and an outer mass namely trophoblast.

Without going into the medical jargon about these all, suffice it to say, the inner mass is capable of differentiating by growth into all the structures of your total body, inclusive of skin on the outer surface of it. They can in normal pregnancy become tissues, according to the part of the body and help their functions.

For example the tissues in your skin of the face and hands continue to grow from your childhood. When you are a pretty young lady - particularly when you attain puberty - the tissues in your face are grown fully. They are bubbling with energy and so your skin is shining and glowing (and attracts innumerable males to have a second look at you while passing!).

Simply put, when ladies are young, the skin care tactics are not resorted to mostly, other than applying light make up. When years go by, the automatic process of growth and multiplication of tissues, all over the body and skin becomes slow. Aging is the cause of wrinkles and that makes revelation of the true age to others.

But Scientists all over the world went on finding answers to combat aging. The need for providing ladies, suffering from inferiority complex due to wrinkles, with something that acts as anti-aging product, urged them continuously. This led them to find the answers from the original theory of renewing the growth of cells once again, even on aged persons.

So researches on stem cells - belonging to the class of undifferentiated, but are able to differentiate into specialized ones, particularly to replace the tissues of the skin - continued in full flow. Their research found out that these can be taken from adult tissues already grown up, and from blastocyst phase of the embryological development.

In the laboratories of scientists, both the adult tissues and those derived from a dividing zygote were put into controlled culture. Once they undergo cultures, they lose the ability of specializing or differentiating. They become tissues that can divide and replicate.

After thus ensuring the collection of undifferentiated, healthy but dividing cells in the required numbers, mostly from zygote, it became easier for the scientists to manage them, and stimulate them in the labs to specialize into any means as wanted. The process of giving fresh life to the tissues of the skin, getting old and worn out was thus born.

The wrinkles formed by the aging were generally concealed by applying lotions this far. Now there is a way out, to give new life to the tissues by the research of the scientists, in the cosmetic products industry. This new application by the research will give remedy to millions of womenfolk.

Scientists say your outer skin tissues die after 20 days, whereas the tissues in liver live longer for 200 days. So here is a way to get them grown again. Applying lotions for depigmentation, consuming synthetic medicines or peeling the sensitive skin tissues will ultimately end in loss of tissues and prohibit regeneration.

You may be put into many inconveniences and this can cause many diseases like cancer. Yet people are using them in their regular treatments for beautification. A better alternative was not made available for regenerating the tissues with fresh ones. Also the awareness among ladies about the side-effects of such chemical-mixed lotions is not that wide.

So ladies in need of anti-aging products can now be confident and shed these questionable products. Because, the therapy using stem cell creams made in the above mentioned process is advised as safe by the scientists.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details


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