Diabetes Causes – What are the Myths and Facts?

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In this Article I will tell you in detail what are the primary causes of Diabetes.

The two major causes of diabetes is the body's malfunction to produce enough of the insulin hormone, and secondly the body develops a resistance to insulin.

Type 1 diabetes is caused due to decrease in insulin production.

Type 2 diabetes is caused due to resistance of insulin in peripheral tissues.

In juvenile diabetes, the cause might perhaps be a lack of vitamin D.

Causes of diabetes -

Diabetes mellitus occurs when the pancreas does not create adequate or any of the hormone insulin, or when the insulin produced does not work proficiently. Thus, this causes the level of glucose in the blood to be higher than standard levels

1. In Type 1 diabetes, the cells in the pancreas that are responsible to make insulin are attacked and destroyed by the body's own immune structure, causing a severe lack of insulin.

It is not exactly clear why this occurs, but probable triggers of this reaction could be -

infection with a specific virus or bacteria;

exposure to food-borne chemical toxins or

However, these are only supposition, and are yet to be confirmed.

Type 1 diabetes generally develops in children, teenagers or young adults. Most of the doctors and scientists believe this is a genetically caused condition and is not related to lifestyle habits.

Risk factors for developing Type 1 Diabetes include:

1. Family history - a child that has a parent or sibling with type 1 diabetes has a 2-6% possibility of developing the disease.

2. Autoimmune disorders - such as thyroid disease and celiac disease, increases the danger of type 1 diabetes.

3. Early stoppage of breastfeeding and/or exposure to cow's milk - breastfeeding an infant for at least three months reducess the risk of type 1 diabetes. Some studies also show that exposure to cow's milk or cow's milk-based formula before one year of age may raise diabetes danger.

4. Ethnicity - Americans, Caucasians have a larger danger of type 1 diabetes as compared to African-Americans, Asian Americans, Latin Americans.

5. The past of childhood virus diseases

2. Type 2 diabetes is supposed to develop when:

the receptors on the human cells in the body that react to the action of insulin drop short of being stimulated by it also called as insulin resistance. In response to this, more insulin may be developed, and this over-production exhausts the insulin-manufacturing cells in the pancreas;

There is just inadequate insulin available in the body and

The insulin that is available may be abnormal and therefore doesn't function correctly.

The following risk factors increase the chances of developing Type 2 diabetes:

growing age

if it runs in the family, i.e. genetic


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