Taste Disorders: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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There is another problem today that perhaps was never a cause for concern in the earlier days. In this disorder, the perception of taste can manifest even if one does not have anything in the mouth.

Cause for Concern

This is called phantom taste perception where one experiences a feeling of unpleasant flavor. One can also experience a limited capability to perceive anything that is sour or salty, which is called hypogeusia. Yet another variation of this problem is the inability to detect any taste at all, and this is referred to as ageusia. A taste disorder can manifest or become evident when a particular food or beverage leaves a negative impact in the mouth. This phenomenon can affect anyone, but there are some who are born with it and others who may get it because of an injury or illness. Some of the most common causes are bad dental hygiene, upper respiratory tract infection, cancer, chemotherapy, head injuries etc. The disorder can get really serious if it is not attended to immediately. In fact it can be risky and cause diabetes, a stroke, or even a heart attack. A loss of taste can also indicate the onset of Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.

Diagnosis Based on Symptoms

Diagnosis of the disorder is confirmed by an otolaryngologist who can evaluate and determine the extent of the problem. The patient is required to taste different substances under observation and depending on the concentration power of the patient, the doctor can start treatment. Usually a detailed assessment is carried out, along with a physical exam of the throat, nose and ear, a dental exam, a taste test and a review of the patient's medical history. Any illness is treatable; some may be cured while others are relieved either through palliative care or other measures. For a while many people swear by using homeopathy as it improves their sense of taste and smell. But there are a good many who do not find this brand of alternative medication their cup of tea. In this regard, doctors get to the root cause of the problem and treat it with care.


Some may regard this syndrome as purely psychological and this may true of some cases, but definitely not all. The best form of treatment in dealing with the problem is to find a trigger that makes the mind deliberately close down to experiencing any form of interest in the food or beverage or substance put in front of the patient. If a person has an underlying medical problem like respiratory tract illness or allergies, she/he may avoid certain foods that bring it on, and with proper medication the individual can get better and appreciate the item later on. If need be one can have a chat with a certified counselor to pinpoint the period when the individual lost her/his sense of taste of the product. Many a time, due to pressure people tend to avoid certain foodstuffs which nauseate them, resulting in a lack of interest in the product. There are many ways to deal with this disorder, but the first step is to follow doctor's orders and then take things as they come, one day at a time.

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