Painkillers - They Don't Kill The Pain, They Only Kill Organs

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It's a very common thing that as soon as we suffer from pain or inflammation, we immediately go to the local drug store and buy a Paracetamol or an Analgesic and gulp it down. And this is not something new to us. In fact, this practice is being followed by people for several years. But here arises a question. Are we all really aware of the possible side effects that these drugs can have on our body? Scroll down and get to know some useful information.

What is a painkiller?

A Painkiller (the medical term of which is Analgesic) is a drug that is used to relieve pain. In other words, it is used as analgesia which tends to make us feel the absence of pain without any loss of consciousness. It functions by blocking the pain signals that go to the brain and makes us feel incognizant of the pain.

To dig out some data, the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has revealed that the supply of painkillers by US hospitals and drug stores has increased by 600% over the last decade. And most of the painkillers contain ingredients called Oxycodone and OxyContin, (which was once called as "hillbilly heroin"). But there are studies stating that the use of painkillers like aspirin and ibuprofen have a chance of reducing breast cancer. It does so by interfering with the inflammatory mechanisms of the body but this also carries an adverse rick of side effects like stroke, ulcers, asthma, and in worst case scenarios may affect the heart, kidney, and the liver.

The two main types of painkiller drugs are classified as Narcotic and Non-Narcotic. The latter is the more commonly used one and contains NSAIDs which completely interferes and stops the chemical formation that is primarily responsible for causing body pain. Narcotic painkillers are categorized as opiates and opioids. Both these types of drugs are highly concentrated and can be addictive to the users.

Side Effects of Painkillers:

This is the commonest side effect of painkillers. In fact, constipation, if not given proper attention, may well lead to a bunch of other health related problems. It may also cause stomach related ailments like nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, gastric problems, stomach ache etc. So, it would be better to include some stool softener or laxative substance along with the pills. Moreover, drinking lots of water and sticking to a fibrous diet can be helpful to prevent or minimize the effect of constipation.

This is another common problem of using painkillers. Painkillers literally numb the pain-causing receptors of the body and this may lead to drowsiness. This can be very troublesome especially if you are driving or at work.

Cardiovascular Effects
Painkillers have a tendency to slow down the heart beat rate, and in the worst case, may even lead to heart attack. Besides this, it also leads to Thrombosis (clotting of blood) or Stroke. Nevertheless, only frequent users of painkiller drugs are prone to such health related issues.

Respiratory Problems
Overuse of painkiller drugs may cause respiratory problems that include dyspnea, breathing difficulties, and tightening of the chest region. In rare cases, respiratory failure may in turn lead to death.

Psychological Problems
Some of the Psychological problems related to the consumption of painkillers are hallucination, an emotionally unstable mind, confusion, depression, and inability to think spontaneously while making a decision.

Painkillers contain a substance called as morphine that may sometimes cause vomiting and nausea, especially for allergic patients. However, this can be reduced or eliminated if the pills are taken after a meal with a glass of milk.

Other side effects of painkillers include dry mouth, vision problems, and skin problems. If you have ever wondered why professional sports persons always have health problems, it's only due to excess usage of painkillers they use to deal with pain. And if you are a follower of wrestling, you should now know the reasons for the frequent death and illness of professional wrestlers at a young age.

Thus, the ultimate fact is that the use of painkillers only eats the organs besides decreasing one's life span. So stay away from painkillers and look for natural and homemade remedies to protect your health. Just like how you use protective systems such as ADT Alarm Systems to protect your valuables in corporate and homes, you also need to take adequate measures in protecting your health. So, if you were unaware of the side effects of painkillers till now, please understand the seriousness of the possible effect it can have on your health and look for other alternatives. Let us all lead a healthy and long life.

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